FF- Friday Fictioneers
Striding down the long corridor
from the Command Center to the Front Hatch of Martian Habitation Headquarters, Commander
Kropotkin and Lieutenant Prine felt determined but deeply concerned.
“Commander,” said the Lieutenant,
“I’m going to give this mission all I’ve got, but frankly I have my doubts.”
“Me too, Bud,” answered Commander Kropotkin. “But the Drugons have been appearing in force lately, and they’ve got to
be stopped before it’s too late.”
The hatch opened and the two
officers and friends leaped out of the Habitation Headquarters, weapons spewing
poisonous fumes ferociously at every Drugon they could find.
“Know what?” said Prine,
breathing a sigh of relief. “These Drugons aren’t half as tough as the weeds on
This may be my first post about weed, and hopefully you won't think I am endorsing it. Because I don't endorse weed --- meaning those pesky things that grow around your house --- but even though I haven't smoked it in over 30 years, I will endorse dope (as we called it back then, although the term "weed" did exist as well) as long as you don't do it too much.
Too much being the degree to which I smoked it, which was every other minute. Better to fill those minutes with the story offerings of the other Friday Fictioneers based on the picture prompt above which you can get high on by clicking here.
Meanwhile I'm going to go pull out some Drugons. That's the toughest weed I can handle these days.