"Perry, do something!" my date Janet shouted as the two of us saw
a man slip and fall in the harbor where we were having drinks at a waterside
Why me?" I gasped. "What about everyone else?"
you see anyone else going in? Help him, for god sakes!”
I'm not that good swimmer! I wore a Mae West Jacket until I was 27. I
always get severe water in the ear. I'm a sinker, not a floater!”
he's floundering!"
do you think the water in the harbor is heated?”
“Never mind! I’ll do
And Janet
dove in. Last thing I saw of her, she and the drowning man were having dinner together.
Maybe I’ll just throw myself in the harbor next.
I thought it might be time for a tale of heroism and bravery featuring me, and ... ahem ... here it is! Only thing is, the heroism and bravery belongs 100% to Janet, zero to me.
Well, at least I'm here today to chronicle her valiant story as my entry in this week's Friday Fictioneers' happenings and events. Further happenings and events as chronicled by the other Fictioneers are available by clicking here.
Hey, stop splashing me!