I found something very unusual outside my front door yesterday.
Maybe it was a gift. Maybe it was an omen. Maybe it was whatever you decide that it was.
As I left my house yesterday morning I spotted a small blue stone on the bench next to the front door. Painted on it in a sort of purplish color were the words:
Your Kind!
How Sweet!
Did some neighborhood child leave this for me? Was someone trying to thank me for an act of kindness I didn't even remember?
I assumed the stone was probably from a child because the misuse of the word "your" instead of "you're" would indicate that the person who left the stone at my doorstep was either a child or Donald Trump.
And I thought "Your Kind?"
How Sweet!
Did some neighborhood child leave this for me? Was someone trying to thank me for an act of kindness I didn't even remember?
I assumed the stone was probably from a child because the misuse of the word "your" instead of "you're" would indicate that the person who left the stone at my doorstep was either a child or Donald Trump.
But what had I done that was kind?
Yes, there was the time I was backing up too fast and almost ran over the neighbor's child Kevin. I think Kevin appreciated my jamming on the breaks in time to prevent him from flying the friendly skies. I kind of doubt he was the one who left the stone, however, because every trash day since then his father leaves the family's garbage can on the hood of my car.
Nevertheless I eye my stone lovingly, a constant reminder that all of us should seek to find ways to say "You're Kind."
As I left my house yesterday morning I spotted a small blue stone on the bench next to the front door. Painted on it in a sort of purplish color were the words:
How Disturbing!
Did some neighborhood bigot leave this for me? Was someone trying to tell me they didn't want my kind in the neighborhood?
I assumed the stone was probably from an adult because the proper use of the word "your" instead of "you're" would indicate that the person who left the stone at my doorstep was an adult and couldn't possibly be Donald Trump.
What had unleashed hatred against my kind?
After all, our neighborhood is more known for schlepping than goose stepping! The only white sheets you'd see around here would be on a carload of students from Villanova lost on their way to a toga party. But there could always be a random miscreant. Maybe it's my neighbor, who always leaves the family's garbage can on the hood of my car?
Nevertheless I eye my stone knowingly, a constant reminder that all of us should seek to find ways to never say "Your Kind!"
Nevertheless I eye my stone lovingly, a constant reminder that all of us should seek to find ways to say "You're Kind."
As I left my house yesterday morning I spotted a small blue stone on the bench next to the front door. Painted on it in a sort of purplish color were the words:
Your Kind!
And I thought "Your Kind?" How Disturbing!
Did some neighborhood bigot leave this for me? Was someone trying to tell me they didn't want my kind in the neighborhood?
I assumed the stone was probably from an adult because the proper use of the word "your" instead of "you're" would indicate that the person who left the stone at my doorstep was an adult and couldn't possibly be Donald Trump.
What had unleashed hatred against my kind?

Nevertheless I eye my stone knowingly, a constant reminder that all of us should seek to find ways to never say "Your Kind!"
So what is the mystery of the stone? Am I being lauded or lambasted? Am I viewed as someone who is wanted because I'm kind?
Or am I someone whose kind is not wanted?
Note: That's the actual stone shown above. It really does exist. It is not photo shopped, an artist's recreation, or an actor portrayal. Nor is the stone being compensated for its appearance here today.
Or am I someone whose kind is not wanted?
You're Guess is as Good as Mine!
Note: That's the actual stone shown above. It really does exist. It is not photo shopped, an artist's recreation, or an actor portrayal. Nor is the stone being compensated for its appearance here today.
Well, when you find out, let us know! It's very strange.
And it's actually true. My guess is that a child I don't know painted the stone and just left it somewhere near my house and someone found it and put in on my bench. And what does the "your kind" mean? The kid was an anti-Semite!
Gee, I didn't think anyone would appear here without being compensated?
BTW - when you said, "the check's in the mail" were you sending it via pony express, or did you strap it to a box turtle's back and point him in the general direction of Arkansas? Expect a "Past Due" notice in your mail box soon.
You appear regularly without being compensated? Oh shit, you want to paid now? It's not in the budget!
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