Prompt with the Prompt is what I am today.
That is, I've got a prompt response to the above prompt in the Great Madison Woods Friday Flash Fiction Extravaganza.
The Dark and Lonely Room
"Come on, Mr. President.
Please come out. It wasn't that bad."
Yes it was.
Does this count as a Glynnie?
Dear Perry,
Great title, greater story. you get the prize for saying a lot with a little. Too right.
Thanks, Douglas.
Maybe we'll have to entice the President out with some ice cream!
Enjoyed your piece very much too.
Thanks, Jess.
I love being Cute!
Best thing you could have said.
Thanks for the laugh...It was a smack down.
Hi Perry,
Great topical subject and so much said so fast! Ron
Short and sweet. I'm still trying to watch the debate (the video keeps crashing on my computer!) but now i'm really going to struggle to take it seriously.
Oh, Perry. You kill me. Again.
Oh, Perry, I'm still chuckling. Recently, I went on a quest for other humor blogs. Almost all of the really funny ones were by women. I don't know if it's because they are better looking, or if they do a better job promoting themselves.
You are very good. Reminiscent of Patrick McManus.
Thanks, Tom.
There! I smacked you back.
Well, there isn't much time until the election!
Thanks for the comment.
Wish Obama had done the same!
Oh, great. If you're dead, I lose 50% of my fans.
Thanks, Kd!
I think in my case they are better looking, do a better job promoting themselves, and have bigger boobs.
I appreciate the compliment & am looking up Patrick McManus right now. Thanks, Russell!
It was that bad Perry. It was that bad. :)
Thanks for showing me just how much can be said with only 11 words. My favorite of the day!
Sweet! And as they say..."Yes, it was."
You had me laughing lol.
It will get better, John. It will get better.
Thanks for the nice comment.
And sweet of you to say so!
Thanks, Janet.
I'm laughing too, on the outside, that is ...
Thank you, Boomie!
Well, so far I'm having fun as a member of Madison Woods Friday Fictioneers, or whatever it is that we're actually called.
It's sort of like a Rorschach test. You write a short post on whatever strikes you about a picture prompt. Then you can read numerous other writers' widely varying interpretations of the same prompt.
You meet cool people and get to write a much shorter post than normal. And you get back comments! Imagine: comments on my blog! It's intoxicating.
So I'd recommend you try a writer's group yourself. Just don't try this one if you're going be funny. Unless you promise to write me a lovely comment any time you're funnier than I am.
Yes, it WAS that bad. Sadly. I really wanted him to succeed.
BUT I loved your short take on this prompt. I'm here:
Brief. Good. Laughs. :)
Thank you so much, Beth.
Yes, I'm looking forward to writing a short take on Mr. Romney screwing up sometime very soon.
Coming over to look at your post ...
Yep. Thanks. Glad.
Boy, this is great!
I'm still raking in the comments. If only I could push some of them over to the next post ...
Thank you, Shirley.
But I think you missed a "HA" there.
Yes, really BAD. If the next one is worse (Teleprompter please!) the last one will have an empty chair.
I'm hoping it will be Mr. Romney sitting in it.
Thanks, Lora!
Looks like we have a debate!
As a fan of Obama, looks like I'm going to lose real bad!
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