Wednesday, May 27, 2015

And That's How Evolution Works (FF)

"And that's how evolution works, class.  To adapt to the new climate beginning in the mid-21st century, mankind rapidly evolved in a number of ways."

"That's how we used to look, Professor Goldberg?   All covered with - what did you call it - skin, and without razor sharp teeth to ferret out food?"

"Exactly, Mr. Clifford.  And those awkward appendages called legs gave way to fins for better mobility."

"Look how ugly people used to be!  How did we become so facially attractive, Professor?"

“Because, Ms. James, we needed to repopulate the planet. That's why everyone evolved to be so smokin' hot!"

"God Bless Evolution, Professor Goldberg!"

"Class dismissed.  Go to it, hotties!"


I sincerely hope this post wasn't too sexually arousing for any of the other Friday Fictioneers.  I toned it down from the original more graphic version but when you have a picture prompt like the above,  toning down the sexual vibe is about as easy as getting climate change on the agenda of the Republican National Convention.

To help your mind evolve to a higher plane, click here for the offerings of the other Friday Fictioneers.  Go to it, hotties!

In the meanwhile, I'm sitting here on the internet. Waiting to evolve.


Anonymous said...

Would you be offended if I said that your story was not arousing anything except laughter?

Nice dialogues!

Russell said...

Well, I guess you and I were born a couple of centuries too soon, Perry. Lack of hair seems to be all the rage in this crowd.

Loved your comment about getting climate change on the agenda of the Republican National Convention. That would be an ice storm in Hades.

Perry Block said...

So much for my career as a writer of porn!

Perry Block said...

Hades? You were born a couple of millenia too late!

Alicia said...

Who knew all we needed was a bit more evolution to make us ALL smokin' hot. I'm still waiting. Another good laugh this week. Thanks, Perry.

brudberg said...

I know that only a few of us have already started to adapt.. on the facial side I'm ready... Just have to get some fins and fangs.

Subroto said...

That was hardpore corn indeed.

Perry Block said...

Of course you were always smokin' hot, Alicia, but it's a whole new thing for me!

Perry Block said...

Sorry, Bjorn, we're not handing out the fins and fangs again until next Thursday ...

Perry Block said...

Oooh...That comment got me excited!

Anonymous said...

Utterly scandalized by your indecent story, Perry. I may have to close the laptop and have a cold shower. That won't go down well with the cat currently sleeping on my arm though.
Amusing stuff with a message not so different from Doug's!!!

margirene said...

Very entertaining. I do hope evolution is kind to us, as I'd really like the species to survive, in some form. Better to be a "hottie", I guess, than to die from being overheated.

Perry Block said...

Gee, that's high praise to be compared to Doug. I'm shocked to find out I even had a message! Thanks.

Perry Block said...

I think these humans of the future are hotties and many die from being way overheated. I hope I can get used to the fangs.

Anonymous said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose. I feel less confident about the fate of the human race, though. Have you ever read the sci-fi book, Last and First Men? It's all about how humans evolve over millions of years into lots of strange things like this.

Anonymous said...

Dear Perry, I think you will be sitting by the computer for a long time! Great story and Yikes, I hope it doesn't happen! Nan

Unknown said...

LOL. Your hottie doesn't do a lot for me I have to admit but I loved the dialogue.

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields said...

Dear Perry,

After Subroto's hardpore corn I have nothing left to add. Evocative piece cloaked in humor.



Gah Learner said...

Alas, I was born too early, too, no hotties for me. Some laughter instead, thanks for the chuckle.

Anonymous said...

I thought we were supposed to be warned about XXX topics!

Anonymous said...

LOL :-) In my dreams, Perry, I'm a hottie. In reality, I creak out of bed in the morning, desperate for a cup of tea, and feeling as old as a dinosaur!

Unknown said...

Hotties? You wouldn't be one of those science inclined climate warming believers, now would you?

Good one, Tay.

Anonymous said...

Hardpore corn...Perry, you've discovered a new category! Congratulations! I'd take a pair of fins any day, by the way. And such fun homework. Ha!

Perry Block said...

The Eye of the Beholder" also the title of a classic Twilight Zone episode. Sounds like an interesting book, I'll try to check it out.

Perry Block said...

If it does, well, I've got my date all picked out. I may need a few drinks first.

Perry Block said...

She wouldn't be my first choice either but by "last call" ...

Perry Block said...

Yes, and I hope they stay cloaked too.

Perry Block said...

You're welcome. I'll introduce you to a few of my hotties if you like.

Perry Block said...

We're all adults here, aren't we?

Perry Block said...

In our dreams we're all hotties, even if we're Nouveau Old, Formerly Cute.

Perry Block said...

You'll believe too when you wind up married to one of these hotties in the next 20 years.

Perry Block said...

I think you look better with legs, Amy. And I don't see you in razor sharp teeth either.

liz young said...

I had to take a cold shower after that!

Perry Block said...

Well,I'm glad you calmed down. NOW READ IT AGAIN!

BobiJo said...

Great idea - a lot of fun!!

Perry Block said...

Glad you had fun. I'm still a little concerned about the evolution.

Dawn said...

Instead of a cold shower I feel the need for a cold dip in the sea. Hmmm

Anonymous said...

Now you know, I'm an anthropologist. That story of yours just gets me tingling. Well done. Lucy Conrad The Excessive Gardener

Perry Block said...

Oh, I know. Professor Goldberg is just that hot!

Perry Block said...

That it gets you tingling gets me tingling too! Thanks.

P.S. Joshi said...

If that picture is a sample of hot, I'll stay cold thank you very much. That picture is enough to scare anyone into respecting nature more. Hilarious, Perry. :D --- Suzanne

Perry Block said...

You don't find Professor Goldberg hot?! That man's my spitting image! Better get your eyes checked, Suzanne ....