It's Herbert, the happiest leaf, the happiest leaf you know!
boys and girls, I'm Herbert, the happy leaf. Although I am sad that I
only have one eye. My left eye was shot out by a deranged elementary school
student with a pea shooter.”
Herbert, the happiest leaf, the happiest leaf you know!
“You know
what else makes me sad, kids? I'm a leaf. I don't have a body, I can't
defecate, and I can't get it on with female leafs cause they’re only interested
in you if you have a big trunk.”
Herbert, the happiest leaf, it's the Happy Herbert Show!
show! I introduce cartoons that aren’t funny while being munched on by aphids. Kids, don't
believe any of this happy crap. Life is one long struggle and then you die!”
the happiest leaf, the happiest leaf you
“And, oh
yeah, I didn’t get the damn Letterman gig either!”
I can't imagine why Herbert, the happiest leaf, is so unhappy. He's on national television, he's personal friends with Bill Murray, and he even provides oxygen for the atmosphere. I'm afraid his show does suck, however, except for the presence of his house band, the Roots.
This tale of Herbert, the happiest leaf, is my contribution to the Friday Fictioneers this week based on the picture prompt above. If you'd like to plant yourself among the other Fictioneers' contributions, click here.
Oh, cheer up, Herbert! You do have a fetching birthmark right under your nose.
A very interesting take on the prompt. It speaks true of today's society and how expectations of how to act, what to look like, and say are placed upon us.
I'm thinking Herbert is not such a happy leaf after all.
Now all you dumb f**k boys and girls, reach into your mommies' pocketbooks and take out all that green stuff they call money and send it to:
Mr. .Herbert Leaf
c/o PO Box 879326
as your uncle will no longer be working for this TV station after today and will need some help unto he lands a new job.
(do you remember Soupy Sales?)
Funny piece.
i didn't expect that ending. then i didn't expect letterman will be riding into the sunset either.
And how hypocritical people in show business are, especially those that are plants. Thanks, Francesca!
Herbert has been on Prozac since 2011,
Lunch with Soupy Sales, with White Fang, Block Tooth, Pookie, and Hippie."And for desert, Jello!"
No, I don't' remember it at all.
Yeah, I wasn't quite sure how to end this piece, either with the leaf's bitterness over not getting the Letterman job, or the leaf suddenly turning all happy for the beginning of his kiddie show. What do you think is better?
Dear Perry,
Why does Death to Smoochy suddenly come to mind? Disturbing, but funny little story. I think I could come up with my top ten reasons why.
Maybe Herbert would be better off as a coca leaf.. That's something to chew on for you.
Sorry I didn't see Death to Smooch. I guess that shows how much intuitively I must be just like Danny Devito, but maybe a little taller. Okay, waiting for your top ten list!
I think Herbert would be better off submerged into somebody's mint julep. Wonder who'd be the replacement host next week?
OOOPs! I accidentally deleted a comment from Lorna Ray. Very sorry!
I hear Mary Jane the Marijuana leaf is pretty happy. She tried out for the Letterman gig too, but got lost on the way to the studio and no one really wanted to hear her say, "Oh wow, look at those pretty lights" for two hours every night.
Some leaves are just unhappy no matter what branch they are from.
I hate leaves that are always moaning about their lot in life... they need to branch out a bit more.
You must watch some seriously weird television!
Oh man! I think Herbert leaf would make a fine talk show host. What happened here, hmm? At least he's got some cool drops. He looks a lot cooler than any talk show host could ever hope for. Secretly, I'm sure they are all jealous of Herbert. It will all be okay.
I don't know why not. That would have been intelligent conversation for Jimmy Fallon. I hope Mary Jane is careful; I've heard all kinds of stories about the notorious "casting ashtray."
That's true. Some of them even try to kill themselves by inhaling CO2.
Sometimes you gotta spread your branches and fly! I mean, spread your branches and spread your branches and spread your branches ...
I always loved Leaf Ericson. That's as seriously weird as it gets.
I think they're all jealous of his dimple; of his oddball vertical mouth, not so much. But in the absence of Letterman, I'd watch him.
Only you would see a face on that leaf. Actually I'm rather jealous I didn't see it. I'm not surprised there would be a TV show with a leaf host. Cartoon shows have become weird. Of course some of them were always weird. Hilarious, Perry. :D --- Suzanne
Thanks for writing, Suzanne, from ...
Herbert, the happiest leaf, the happiest leaf you know!
I'm going to whisper something in Herbert's non-existent ear, just to make him feel better ..."Triffids" ...
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