Copyright–Douglas M. MacIlroy
Perry and his friend Nanook talked on Skype every month or so.
"It looks so beautiful by the lake and mountain up there in Alaska, Nanook," said Perry, fully enamored of the exotic friend he had met several years ago on vacation.
"Yes, but climate change is threatening our way of life, my friend," said Nanook.
"OMG! What's happening?"
"Our environment is shrinking, seals are dying, and even Mount Moosejaw is crumbling!"
"That's terrible, Nanook! What can I do?"
"There is nothing, my friend. Farewell for now."
As the transmission ended, Nanook turned to his brother, Rocky.
"Take down the phony set, Rock, and let's hit the beach! Next month, we hit him up big for the Save Mount Moosejaw Fund!"
You'll be happy to know I caught on to the ruse and didn't give the Save Mount Moosejaw Fund a single dime! Of course I had previously funded the Nanook Scholarship Fund, Nanook School for Wayward Seals, and Nanook Jewish Deli in the Tundra and I was pretty much out of money after that.
Anyway, that's my take on the above picture prompt for the Friday Fictioneers this week, and the many other Fictioneers' interpretations are available by clicking here. Please check them out.
Just don't let any of them ask you for money for Mount Moosejaw!
Perry, I always LOVE your humor. That's why I always go to your stories. I'm still laughing at "Nanook Jewish Deli in the Tundra".
Dear Perry,
Nanook is one sharp cookie. I wonder what they serve at Nanook's Jewish Deli. Funny funny. Pass the bagels with cream cheese and whale blubber.
Dear Perry,
This was a good one, and is probably true on some level.
That is gooood. Fun, but also a reminder of clashes of civilisation. I was in Botswana last year where the San (Bushmen) are facing up to the twentieth century (fracking, private reserves) and then again in Finland last month where the Lapps are having similar issues (open cast mining, forestry, impediments to hunting).
Perry, Hilarious once again. How did Nanook's brother get a name like Rocky? Will wonders never cease. Nonook would be hard pressed to explain if you were to take an unannounced trip up to inspect Mt. Moosejaw. You might catch them hitting the beach . Well done once again. : ) ---Susan
These con artists are getting better and better at their job! Really enjoyed your story, and your characters in particular this week. My cheque for Mt Moosejaw is in the mail.
Oh, Perry, this is a delight. And the names Nanook, Moosejaw, Rocky. Thanks for the smile.
You mean Mt. Moosejaw is not really in danger? That's a relief!
Ah, the sandy beaches of Alaska. It'll soon be the new spring break hangout for college kids. Bring me a sandwich from the deli, will ya Perry?
Thanks so much, Mike, I really appreciate that. I will see that Nanook sends you a Tundra Corned Beef Special as soon as he gets my next "Save the Deli" check!
Whale Blubber Ball Soup is an especial delicacy! Thanks, Rochelle.
Thanks, Doug. It may be true on some level, but it sure isn't on the level!
Wow, Patrick, that is really impressive! What do you do for a living and may I be your hanger on?
Thank you very much, Susan, and thank you for joining the blog! The wine and cheese party for new members is next Thursday.
Good, because I'm pretty much broke and Nanook says Mt. Moosejaw needs a new coat of paint.
You're welcome, Alicia! Yes, it seemed a bit more efficient to write a story than reach through the screen and tickle you.
Well, yes, except for its high blood pressure. The medical bills are killing me!
Bring you a sandwich? According to Nanook, shipping you a sandwich costs several hundred dollars! Oh, well, sure, would you like cole slaw and Russian Dressing with that?
Hi Perry
I loved this one - very very funny (although also sad and cynical - I pity poor fictional Perry!)
If he really believed in someone called "Nanook" he deserves to get stung!
Yeah, that poor slob! I'm so glad I'm nothing like him at all! (Uhhh, you got a fiver I could borrow til Thursday?)
But, Lizzy, I have friends named Nanook all over the world I skype with and .... wait a minute! You mean ...?!!
Dear Perry - so that was you that called me on the phone asking to save an endangered mosquito? Great story, you devious guy - I like the way you think! Have a good week and stay off the phone! Nan :)
That was me. How many mosquitoes can you take in for the next six months? They have no place else to go. I'll put you down for 8,000, it may turn out to be a bit fewer so don't worry!
Yep, I always am!
haha you let someone named Nanook trick you?! oh perry... *sighs*
I always wanted to be named "Nanook" or "Nookie" myself. Why not?
This was very funny and is quite possibly happening somewhere on the web. Even inspired my 'inner scammer' to post here ;-)
Just don't send him your account details :-)
Your inner scammer is one quick learner!
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