Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Summer Carving

It was the summer I was 12 that I climbed up the little tree and carved our initials PB & CC within a heart. The carving was crude but the feelings were not.  I was in love and knew I always would be.

Love, however, never quite stays the same.  Other loves came and went. Some were sweet, others quickly soured.  Sometimes there was joy and happiness, other times disappointment and loss. 

I came back to the little tree, climbed up and found the carving PB & CC within a heart.

It had endured, as had the love it bore.  

PB & CC in a heart. 

Perry Block loves Coca-Cola!   
My first. My last.  My Always!
Okay, so it turns your insides into an enormous plate of spaghetti cooked al dente and throws corrosive battery acid into your mouth with an intensity no tooth can withstand ....  but, hell, no relationship provides the incredible Zip!!! that Coca-Cola does. So my short response to this week's Friday Fictioneers picture prompt is in tribute to the Pause that Refreshes, Coca-Cola.

The other Fictioneers, Coke lovers and detractors alike, have many other views of the prompt, all of  which you can access by clicking here.

So if you indulge, have a Coke and a smile.  Especially if you have any teeth left to smile with.


Russell said...

When you lips first touched you knew it was the Real Thing, didn't you? I wonder how many nights Pepsi and Royal Crown and cried themselves to sleep pining for your love? Thank God you didn't run off with that two-timing Tab, you'd still have a bad taste in your mouth.

Dawn said...

I love that you are true enough to declare your love even though it may not be politically correct to do so in this "healthy" atmosphere so many support these days. Bravo!

Anonymous said...

Dear Perry, You are certifiable - you know that. I love the story and I am a closet Coca-cola head too. Your story made me laugh and you are so clever. Thanks for the entertainment! Nan ;)

Anonymous said...

My first love cost me 3 cents (coke, this is). What did yours cost?

P.S. Joshi said...

Perry, The program seems to have swallowed up my first comment. You might want to check your Spam filter. What I wrote more or less was: I knew something different was going to show up when you started with that sincere tone. We all have our faults and addictions. At least your's isn't deadly--at least not right away. I hope you have a good dentist. : ) ---Susan

Anonymous said...

Now that was a clever write! Made me smile.

Anonymous said...

Wow ! That was a real twister love story !!

Anonymous said...

It's true, Perry, coke never disappoints. I try not to drink too much of it, but when I do, I truly love it. I guess that's true love. Funny story!

Locomente said...

Hey! I ahve nominated for The Liebster Award.... Please follow this link:

And keep the good work going!!!

Perry Block said...

I was never disloyal to my first true love! Odd, there should have also been some chicks in there somewhere ...

Perry Block said...

Thank you, Dawn! I'd second that bravo as well but it's tough to say without teeth.

Perry Block said...

Perhaps some day, Nan, we may enjoy a coke and a smile together. If we're alive!

Perry Block said...

Pretty much my whole future health picture.

Perry Block said...

I have a very wealthy dentist who's been known to throw other patients out of the office when I arrive. When he moves to Spain, I'll have to seriously think about a new dentist.

brudberg said...

AH.. that was a love I've never fallen for.. i can't really stands it. but I guess it's good for your fidelity with Ms Coke.

Perry Block said...

I hope you have teeth to smile through!

Perry Block said...

Thank you! I'm sorry I couldn't include any sex but that's where I draw the line.

Perry Block said...

It never disappoints, it never dumps you, and it never refers to you as "an ignominious stain on the whole of humanity, not fit to walk among society," .... uhhh, not that anyone ever called me that, you understand!

Perry Block said...

I'm telling you, Bjorn, the feeling in your mouth is just like an ... y'know, this is a family blog.

Subroto said...

So no tea then? That would have led to 'Fifty Shades of Earl Gray' I guess. Brilliantly funny as always but no Fanta sea.

janet said...

Perry, what a romantic you are! Who'd a thunk? I thought maybe PB & J, but no, you had to go and ditch jam for Coke. How sad! Good to know you're loyal.


Perry Block said...

Ha! That would have been funny, but I love CC, not tea tea! Thanks!

Perry Block said...

I would never throw my beloved over for Pepsi, or Royal Crown, or PB & J (and that's funny!), or any other cola. Scarlett Johansson, maybe. That's how loyal I am!