Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Looking To Get Out

copyright Ted Strutz

We live in a small harborside town named Tubbsville which once thrived due to an active mining operation, now long closed. All that remains from those days is the tiny hotel and Franco's, the bar where we hang out.

"Bobby got out," said Ralph the other day in Franco's. "Now he's an actor on Broadway!"

"So?" I replied.

"So it means it can be done!  We can get out too!"  

"But why would we want to?" I asked, downing my Budweiser.

"There's a world out there, Perry!" he cried.

"But, Ralph, we're minutes outside San Francisco, we've made millions yuppifying this place, and Tubbsville's now crawling with drop dead gorgeous women!"   

"Oh, yeah, I forgot.  My bad."


Maybe it's because I saw a dark cast of this picture when I first saw it,  but I absolutely did not see the dental equipment in the foreground until I began reading other stories. The dental angle would have been fun to play with, but for now I'm  hanging with Tubbsville, yuppification, and me.  That's the reason for my toothless story based on the picture prompt above for this week's Friday Fictioneers.

The other Fictioneers have sunk their teeth into the prompt in a lot of other ways and you can get a complete check up from each one of them if you click here.

If you don't mind, I'm off the San Francisco for a spending spree.  One gets so tired of hanging out with all those gorgeous women! 


Russell said...

You poor guy. It must be tough with all those women pawing at you like you're some kind of sex toy created for their pleasure. Please accept my sympathies.

Perry Block said...

Thanks, but I'm too busy being pawed at like some kind of sex toy to receive them.

Alicia said...

Tubbsville + Budweiser kinda' says it all about these men. Fun story.

Perry Block said...

Or so it would seem. This Bud's for you, Alicia!

Unknown said...

I wouldn't leave either. Nicely told.

Anonymous said...

Bucks - Buds and Babes !! Long live Tubbsville !! :)

P.S. Joshi said...

Perry, Funny story as usual. : ) I wouldn't let the word get out too much if I were one of those guys. They don't want a lot of competition. Well done. : ) ---Susan

Dawn said...

Ralph and Perry are such eligible bachelors; why that town is theirs!

Anonymous said...

Toothless is okay. I had to look at the picture especially closely to notice the dental equipment, but it looks so old and rusty that I don't think it's worth using anyway. The other part of the picture is the most interesting, and your story fits the setting well.

Perry Block said...

Thank you, Patrick. You can come visit us.

Perry Block said...

The Three B's --- that's my new coat of arms! Love the suggestion.

Perry Block said...

Sorry I didn't work teeth in though, which was at least half the picture. Want to buy a small condo for $ 175,000?

Perry Block said...

Yes, I've got the 80 and up market cornered, I must say modestly ....

Perry Block said...

Thanks, Sandra, but if I knew how to work the rusty dental equipment, I'd really have made a killing in Tubbsville!

Sandra Crook said...

It's the simple things in life that mean the most. Beer and babes beats Broadway. :)

P.S. Joshi said...

You've got to be kidding about the condo. Which, of course I know you are. At those prices, I couldn't afford to buy a tool shed. I guess people with those condos don't need tool sheds though. : ) ---Susan

Siobhan said...

Yuppifying - my new favourite word :)

brudberg said...

It's easy to forget that there are better places still -- still wonder why they still drink Bud and not Microbrewery gold...

Perry Block said...

Yes, those simple things ..... I got plenty of nothin' and nothin's plenty for me!

Perry Block said...

Use it with my blessings!

Perry Block said...

I think they just decided to slum it a bit.

Anonymous said...

Rough life. Enjoy your shopping trip!

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields said...

Dear Perry,

"Out there, there's a world outside of Yonkers. Way out there beyond this hick town, Barnaby, there's a slick town, Barnaby..." Oh sorry, I just thought of that song from Hello Dolly and it came out through my fingers.

Tubbsville sounds idyllic. Enjoyable story.



Anonymous said...

Dear Perry, What a cute story - you poor baby, all those babes surrounding you. I'm sorry that you have such a rough life! You make me laugh though - "Tubbsville" - what a clever name in your story! Have a great week - I love it! Nan:

Perry Block said...

You and your husband are fantastic, Nan! I'm moving in! Uhhh, when will my room be ready?

Perry Block said...

Thanks, think I'll start with Crate & Barrel. Hope I fooled a few people on this one. Still can't figure out how I missed the dental stuff.

Perry Block said...

I'd forgotten about that song. Great! As for Tubbsville, it is becoming Hubbsville thanks to me and Ralph. Not sure whether or not it was better before...

Anonymous said...

It's all about what you see, Perry! Somehow you saw women. Ha ha. I really enjoyed your take. He would be a fool to get out now.

Pawan Hegde said...

Most of us went with Dentistry themes. It's good to read other takes on the prompt. :)

Anonymous said...

I thought yuppies were part of evolution here in the UK only. I like your 'double act' characters. I remember another story you wrote which included a 'double act'. Or triple. Can't remember. Anyway, it's great humour. Your mind probably wrote over your eyes (dental tools). I saw them because I have a set of them myself. They were given to me as a gift by a dental student friend when I was at uni doing my fine art degree. I used them for sculpting clay - I'm no 'Marathon Woman'! :)

Perry Block said...

What I saw was a one horse town that I thought any ambitious resident would want to escape from, then twisted it around so that it was a yuppifying area that these two guys are making millions from. But yeah, Amy, you're right ... I saw women!!!

Dawn Q. said...

There's always a bright side to yuppifying! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Perry, you just painted in words my life's ambition.