Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Tigerzetrunk

"Perry, come quickly!" 

"What is it, Harry?"  I shouted back.

"Out in the garden, something you've never seen before and won't see again!  A mythic creature!"

Racing outside, I saw the astounding animal!

"Incredible!" I cried.  "It's part zebra, tiger, elephant and more!  What is it?"

"It's called a Tigerzetrunk.  Legend has it that Odysseus first saw one on his travels and it hasn't been seen since!"

The tigerzetrunk looked up shyly, saw us, and ran.  I snatched a quick picture with my cell phone before it sped off into the bushes.  

"Wait til they see this!"  I said to Harry.

"Doubt anyone will believe you, they'll just think you photo shopped it."

"You're probably right, old friend," I said.  "Well, goodbye, Bigfoot, check you later."


Whether or not you believe me, it's all true!

That is, it's true that this is my weekly submission for the Fabulous Friday Fictioneers, with the picture prompt up top, the story below, and 124 words in praise of the equally fabulous tigerzetrunk therein.  Don't believe me?  Consult the views of the other Fictioneers with a mighty mythical click right here.

Yep, the tigerzetrunk sure was cute!  Just ask my friend Harry. 


Pirate said...

Bigfoot! What a great finish, said the Yeti!!

Anonymous said...

Great story with a nice twist at the end!

Anonymous said...

It's a bit sad how cynical Photoshop has made us. Probably this picture is of an actual creature but no will ever know.

Anonymous said...

I believe you.

Recently I mistook a Tigerzetrunk for a Tiger-gezunt. You know, that funky tiger who has hay fever and sneezes all the time and you end up blessing him by saying, "Tiger gezunt hight" but after a while you leave off the "hight" and just say, "tiger-gezunt".

You know that one, don't you? Here, I'll send you a photo shopped picture of it...

Cute story, Randy

Perry Block said...

"Thank you!" says the tigerzetrunk.

Perry Block said...

Thanks, but Bigfoot and I do not understand what you mean by a twist at the end.

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields said...

Dear Perry,

Finally, I know the truth about Bigfoot! Loved your clever take on this prompt.



Perry Block said...

This is indeed a picture of an actual creature, but my picture is majorly photo shopped.

Perry Block said...

Tiger-gezunt? Hah, can't wait to see it!

Oh, and God bless you.

Perry Block said...

You didn't know Bigfoot lives in Havertown PA and works in home furnishings?

Glad you liked!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if that was Harry from the Hendersons?? In any case, you crafted one heck of a clever story! But I guess that's just what you do!! :)

Perry Block said...

Yes indeed, John, I took Harry from there even though I've never seen the movie.

Thanks for the comment about crafting!

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields said...

I know now. I'll tell my husband. He watches all the Bigfoot shows on Animal Planet. He'll be happy to know the search is over.

Anonymous said...

Good one! I like it!

Anonymous said...

Love the ending!

Unknown said...

Too Funny, nicely done. They say much of mythology has its roots in a grain of truth. Your creature's backstory would be fascinating! Oh say "Hi" to Harry from me. Living here in the NW part of USA his relatives hang out here a lot! :)

janet said...

Perry, this may be one of my favorites of the things you've written for FF. It was so much fun to read.


Perry Block said...

What search?

Perry Block said...

Thank you. Harry thanks you, and tigerzetrunk thanks you too.

Perry Block said...

Thanks. I was going to work in a Zombie Apocalypse, but decided this was more in keeping with the prompt.

Perry Block said...

Thanks! Harry wants to know if you're related to the same Howe family he used to be in the home furnishings business with years ago in Portland?

Perry Block said...

Thanks, Janet! Unfortunately, it was miserable to write ...

Anonymous said...

LOL Perry! I think they taste like chicken too. Just as your friend Bigfoot! :D

Anonymous said...

Good one! I can always rely on Perry for a laugh.

Anonymous said...

Oh this was a true giggler. Thanks now I can happily go do the laundry! :)

Perry Block said...

How dare you think of eating them, Linda, they are an endangered species!!!

Chicken? I love me some chicken!

Perry Block said...

Just lean on me, Paul. Just lean on me.

Perry Block said...

Harry's already done it for you!

Unknown said...

they would lock you and up Big Harry if you pass those pics around

nice one Perry

Russell said...

Harry of "Harry and Hendersons" I suppose. What a horrible mutant of nature. If it was in Arkansas folks would swear it was inbred.

Anonymous said...

What fun! I like that you named the animal -- and a really neat name it is. It's the next Bigfoot!

Anonymous said...

I think you and Harry found your stash from 1970....

Anonymous said...

Love the name! And the ending is reality!

Perry Block said...

Thanks, Leslie. Who said Harry was big?

Perry Block said...

Too bad I don't live in Arkansas. My webbed feet would hardly raise an eyebrow!

Perry Block said...

That's actually the name Odysseus gave the creature. I would have called him "Herbert."

Perry Block said...

Gee, wanting to return to the early 70's ... that would make a great theme for a blog!

Perry Block said...

Thanks, except I wanted a twist ending but couldn't come up with it.

Maggie Grace said...

Cute story but probably true. If you saw Big Foot and took a photo, every expert would be analyzing it saying it couldn't possibly be true. lol. And elephants don't have striped noses so it's a stuffed animal...just sayin. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Perry Block said...

You're welcome. It's funny, but usually it's the pictures of me that every expert says couldn't possibly be true ...

Anonymous said...

Aha! I see what you mean now! If your friend is Bigfoot, who are you?

nightlake said...

If Tigerzetrunk ever drops in again, take another close-up shot of his. A lovely fun tale:)

EL Appleby said...

Love it!
The real Tigerzetrunk is known as Girelitizelion (Girellie for short), but I love Tigerzetrunk too! Maybe we'll rename him Girellie Tigerzetrunk :)
Oh, and it's definitely real!

Unknown said...

That's a nice use of Greek Mythology.

Sandra Crook said...

Great punchline Perry - made me grin, as usual.

Perry Block said...

Well, I'm from Scotland and I love swimming. I'll give you three guesses.

Perry Block said...

Okay, I'll try to get the "Sports Illustrated Tigerzetrunk Swimsuit Edition" for you!

Perry Block said...

That name kind of sounds like a cute girl from Eastern Europe. May I date her?

Perry Block said...

Thanks. But it was annoying as hell, Zeus kept pushing me to write a few hot babes into the story for him!

Perry Block said...

Always happy to see you grin, Sandra!

vb holmes said...

Bigfoot in home furnishings? I thought he'd be in shoes--and star of his own ad campaign run by the ad agency that came up with the cavemen ads for Geico.

Trudy said...

Funny! Expect the Yeti and the Loch Ness monster are popping round for drinks later :-)

Anonymous said...

I would want to meet that friend of yours ! :)

Shirley said...

So that's what Bigfoot looks like.

Anonymous said...

Loved it! Wasn't sure where you where headed, but bam! The twist. Perception is reality.

Unknown said...

Great use of the prompt with fun ending.

Maggie said...

Loved the ending! Well, loved the story, but the ending was terrific!

Here's mine:

Dobson said...

I am not sure if the reference is intended, but this reminds me of the movie Harry and the hendersons, which if i remember right was about bigfoot. I like the humor in Bigfoot being so fascinated by this anomalous creature when he himself has a television show trying to find him.

John Nixon The Supercargo said...

So you know Harry Bigfoot too? I heard he auditioned for the part of Hagrid in the Harry Potter films but lost out to Robbie Coltrain because "he's just not big enough". But he likes mythic beasts just as Hagrid does. Hope he was able to track down the Tigerzetrunk. I hear they like honey doughnuts.

Anonymous said...

LOL you and your imaginary friends. awesome story, a really fun read ^^

anelephantcant said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Whoa, there!
AnElephant can have a striped nose if he chooses to.
Or a tartan trunk.
Or a patterned proboscis.
Please, never say AnElephantCant!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, Perry. Loved this one. So true...what can we believe anymore? I'm jealous you know Bigfoot. I always wanted to meet him. I hope you took some photos of him, too.

Perry Block said...

So you would think. But it turns out Bigfoot has exquisite taste in soft furnishings!

Perry Block said...

You're right, Trudy, they are popping round later for drinks. They're great company normally, but when they get a couple of drinks in them....!

Perry Block said...

Sure, come around and he'll shake your hand.

And then eat it.

Perry Block said...

No, that's tigerzetrunk. We're leaving Bigfoot entirely up to your imagination!

Perry Block said...

I'm rarely sure where I'm headed either. Then, bam! The wall.

Perry Block said...

Glad you thought it was a fun ending because I thought the beginning and middle sucked!

Perry Block said...

Thanks, but I don't think it was "terrific." Maybe it was "darn good" or "awesome, dude" or even "too funny," but "terrific?"

All right, against my better judgment, I give in. It was TERRIFIC!

Perry Block said...

There's a television show trying to find him?
But he's right here!

Yes, the reference was intended.

Perry Block said...

Actually the real low-down was that Harry Bigfoot was brilliant in silent movies but his voice did not adapt well to sound, especially when he was called on to say "I love you" and it came out "YAAAAAAA!!!" So he found a second career in home furnishings.

It's Robbie Coltrane and Bigfoot who like the honey doughnuts. The tigerzetrunk throws them up.

Perry Block said...

If it weren't for my imaginary friends, I'd hardly have any friends at all. And certainly no dates!

Perry Block said...

I took some photos, but you'll be disappointed. Bigfoot always insists I photograph him left profile and from that angle, he is the spitting image of Lily Tomlin.

Anonymous said...

Hehehe, cute story. Bigfoot's picky about his profile, hey? I can understand that, I guess. ;)

Perry Block said...

Oddly enough, from my left profile I photograph exactly like Bigfoot. Go figure!

brudberg said...

Very good ... could work for Nessie and the yeti as well

Perry Block said...

Yes, I have Nessie and Yeti as friends. Gee, sounds like your two maiden aunts, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

I don't mean to nitpick, but I think you made a little spelling mistake. Shouldn't it be Hairy Bigfoot, not Harry?

Seriously, this story's cute, and I love the quick cellphone picture as the creature disappears.

Perry Block said...

I guess you're right and I shouldn't have made that mistake because I'm just wild about Hairy!

Thanks for writing.

Perry Block said...

Boy, that's a lot of comments on this post, folks! I'm really proud, this is my record number of comments.

It would be great if some of them would spill over onto the other non-Fictioneers posts. You know, the posts where I'm lucky if I get two comments, generally telling me I suck?

Thanks again, everyone!

Anonymous said...

Actually, I hope yours is right and mine is wrong!

Carrie said...

LOL, yeah, I bet all the Abominable snowmen hang together for weekly checkers and a beer. I'm sure they would love that picture ;)

Anonymous said...

good job, you got the shot without a thumb-print

Perry Block said...

Thanks, I think they would love to eat what's in the picture!

Perry Block said...

No, there's a thumb print and red glare in the eyes too.

Perry Block said...

I don't know, nothing wrong with dying laughing ...

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Unknown said...

Do you know where I can get a tigerzetrunk