Thursday, June 13, 2013

Piano Man

No, it wasn't just the ill-chosen socks and shoes for the 2013 tour. 

Somebody really doesn't like Billy Joel!  


Yep, Mr. Joel apparently didn't manage to get this one fan feelin' all right. Too bad for the Piano Man but not too bad for me, who landed this week's contribution to the Friday Fictioneers just the way it are at 19 words.

Check out the the other Fictioneers by clicking right here; all of them are entertainers who get it right the first time and will no doubt get you high tonight.  So, don't make me wait!

Think this post was something of a cheat? Keep it to yourself, it's my life!


Rochelle Wisoff-Fields said...

Dear Perry,

Succinct, yet entertaining.



Perry Block said...

Thanks, Rochelle. For the record, I once liked Billy Joel, not so much anymore. But I'd never do what this one fan did!

Sandra Crook said...

Short and sweet. And funny. :)

Perry Block said...

Thanks for the comment, Sandra! You've got me feelin' alright.

nightlake said...

This was fun:) Thank you for visiting my blog today

Perry Block said...

You're welcome. Liked your post as well.

Anonymous said...

hehehe Thank you for the laugh... once again. :)

Best wishes to you, Perry.

Perry Block said...

You too, Bellanda! And thank you again for joining the blog, as well as commenting. (I owe you a major role in a post one of thesd days.)

Anonymous said...

Poor Billy Joel!

Perry Block said...

Poor us that have to listen to his played-out music after all these years!

Trudy said...

Not a big Billy Joel fan, I'm afraid - I just remember seeing him in that 'Uptown Girl' video and being amazed and horrified that he was with that gorgeous model! And that song got played to death on the radio here, so I might well have shoved him through a piano back then!

Perry Block said...

Believe it or not, Billy Joel was kind of good-looking as a young man, with a full head of bushy black hair. He has aged about as badly as anyone in show business, and certainly worse than I have! (ahem ... ) So why don't I have a gorgeous model?

Thanks for commenting, Trudy.

Anonymous said...

Ahhaa! I actually heard Billy Joel in a radio interview a couple months ago and I was laughing out loud. He is really funny too -- maybe that's the reason for his "outfit."

Dobson said...

Oh Perry, i have never thought of registering my displeasure with a musician in this way. Listening to music on my Windows Phone as i take care of gardening needs I simply bump ahead to the next song when I hear the beginning notes of an artist I disfavor.

Anonymous said...

There's no such thing as cheating on Friday Fictioneers...

That's what I keep telling myself anyway.

Anonymous said...

Clever, and fun!

janet said...

I confess I love Billy Joel (at last his "early" stuff) and saw him in concert three times. He and his band were amazing and put on a great show. In response to your story, I remember when I found you there, alone in your electric chair. :-)


Perry Block said...

Yes, and you gotta admit he looks great stuck halfway in a piano in those shoes and socks!

Perry Block said...

C'mon, you've given some thought to hitting him or her with a rake, haven't you?

Perry Block said...

I hope you're right, but then this must come as close to cheating as there is! Thanks for commenting.

Perry Block said...

I don't know how clever, but glad you had fun!

Perry Block said...

Hah! Thanks, Janet!

John Nixon The Supercargo said...

Ahem. I make it 19 words Perry. But now I now feel challenged to complete a Friday Fictioneer entry in less. :-9

Perry Block said...

Ooops! You're right. I'll fix it.

Good luck with the challenge!

Russell said...

Dear Perry,
You don't fool me with this Billy Joel stuff.
The reason your story is so short this week is because you can't wait to get over to the golf course and keep the hot, young girlfriends of those millionaire golfers entertained while their men are chasing a little white ball around a pasture. Damn, I wish I was there!

Perry Block said...

I'd answer, but I'm over at the golf course now doing exactly what you said.

Anonymous said...

Hate on Billy Joel all you want, Perry - I love you just the way you are...

troy P. said...

And not a word wasted - loved it!

Anonymous said...

An entertaining little snippet, Perry. Don't go changing... (It's the first one that came to mind.)

Anonymous said...

lol clever and entertaining. ^^

Perry Block said...

I don't hate Billy Joel at all, just kind of sick of most of his incredibly played out music. I loved him just the way he was, when it wasn't.

Perry Block said...

Thanks. Some would say every word wasted.

Perry Block said...

Thanks, but I don't do snippets any more!

Perry Block said...

Well, after all, he is The Entertainer!

Tony Roberts said...

Wow. You could tweet your entry in.

Nicely done.

Perry Block said...

You know, I could. And still have room for a cite to the picture prompt!

brudberg said...

Great 19 words.. but are you sure you can use the remaining 81 in next week's story?

Anonymous said...


Perry Block said...

Pretty sure I can't, you're right. If anything, I'd love to use all the remaining comments on some of my regular posts, which get only two or three at best.

How do I work that one out?

Perry Block said...

Smile and the world smiles with you. Thanks!

Perry Block said...

I've been meaning to talk to you about giving up that life, Libby, because I need lots more comments on the regular posts, but not today. Maybe later in the week .... Thanks!

Anonymous said...
