Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Sentinel

The Sentinel had stood guard at the beach for as many years as anyone could remember.

In times of war, his rock steady gaze remained fixed on the horizon searching for enemy sea craft. When the hot sand was full of bathers, he scanned the beachscape for thieves, pickpockets, and other disturbers of summer's tranquility. If a beachgoer fell ill, he would quickly spot him or her and instantly summon aid. 

But there is no longer war, crime's eradicated, and illness has been abolished.

Yet the Sentinel still stands guard. What does he watch for? What is his mission? 

"There!  100 feet out, to the left!  An eight year old peeing in the ocean!"

The Sentinel had stood guard at the beach for as many years as anyone could remember.


No matter how long I stood sentinel over this post,  I could not get it down to the preferred length of 100 words for the Fabulous Friday Fictioneers. So I am presenting arms herein at 131 words, with picture prompt above and story based upon it below.

When you're ready to stand at attention and scan the horizon for the other Fictioneers, fix your rock steady gaze right here.

Well, I'm headed for the beach;  gotta go to the ... ooops!  That's a bit of TMI, I guess.  I'll be on guard for you guys next week.


nightlake said...

A loyal sentinel. and you present this wonderful world where there is no war, no illness and no crime. An apt take for the photo

Perry Block said...

Thanks! But there is still ocean pollution apparently.

John Nixon The Supercargo said...

You'd think, if they've ended war, crime and illness they might have worked out how to fix elderly urinary tracts. Unless the perp was doing it on purpose. Shocking! :)

Perry Block said...

It's an eight year old here, but who doesn't do it on purpose?

Anonymous said...

Off with his head, darling!

janet said...

To pee or not to pee, that is the question. One must adapt to the changing job market. BTW, would you let us in on the secret to abolishing illness? That would be really useful.


Anonymous said...

This makes me think of all our ridiculousness in the world today, punishing children for crimes of nature, such as it were.

Trudy said...

Is it pollution......or is it organic? Might help the seaweed grow...

Anonymous said...

Ewww.... Could it be that the Sentinel is just jealous because he doesn't get a bathroom break?

Perry Block said...

Yes, but not that head.

Perry Block said...

It's the pee in the ocean water.

Perry Block said...

Yes, that's how deep and full of meaning and social commentary my writing is!

Actually all I was saying is that there's nothing more for the Sentinel to do in the new perfect world so somebody now get him a life, PLEASE! Nothing more.

Perry Block said...

Did it for years and nothing ever grew. Not sure about the seaweed either.

Sandra Crook said...

I often used to wonder if it would be possible to invent a pee-detector for the local pool. Very funny Perry, as ever.

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields said...

"We don't swim in your toilet, please don't pee in our ocean, as it were."

At least your sentinel is adaptable.



Perry Block said...

I got a guy for you, needs a job. Kind of a grim disposition though. Thanks, Sandra!

Perry Block said...

Actually he isn't. The point I didn't make so well is that with no serious problems left in the world, he still can't leave his post and is now relegated to reporting with all urgency kids peeing in the ocean.

I tried to be a wee bit (Hey! Cute pun!) along with funny. Got some kinks to work out in that.

Russell said...

I thought the water felt unusually warm for some reason.

I can't believe you'd blame it on an eight year old (yes, I can), when we all know it was a sixty-two year old man. Was it on purpose, or just a bladder control issue. Never mind, I don't want to know.

Perry Block said...

Guess where I'm peeing now? I didn't know you like pina coladas!

brudberg said...

If you ever tried to find a public restroom in Stockholm I would call that a permissible crime... (come to think about it there is one of the few right in front of the guard)

Perry Block said...

Well, then there is purpose to his life after all~!

Anonymous said...

the pee pee watcher ! funny

Perry Block said...

Welcome to Pee Pee's Playhouse!

Anonymous said...

Made me smile, Perry! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Funny as always, Perry. I love your sense of humor.

vb holmes said...

After all these years, your sentinel still has amazing eyesight (good sense of smell as well?)--fun piece.

Perry Block said...

Thank you, Scott! The damn sentinel isn't smiling though.

Perry Block said...

Thank you, Amy. Bumble onward!

Perry Block said...

Ha! Hope for his sake it's more the eyes ...

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if that would be good or bad, to live in a world where police only worry about the eradication of small crimes. This seems like something that would be on the Simpsons.

Perry Block said...

Okay, I'll be pleased to write that episode of the Simpsons!

Dobson said...

A true sentinel never questions his purpose, he only fulfills his role!

Perry Block said...

You are correct, sir!

BTW, he just caught you peeing too.

Anonymous said...

i shudder to think what the gun is for. ^^ absolutely funny. you come up with stuff others never would've thought of

Perry Block said...

That thought about the gun is something others never would have thought of. Maybe it's a smell eradicator?