Moviegoers nationwide are eagerly awaiting being disappointed by the latest version of The Great Gatsby when it opens May 10, film industry sources have reported. Audiences coast to coast are expected to pack theaters this weekend in the hopes of being among the first to be disappointed by the fifth film adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's famed novel.
Just as three generations of moviegoers have been disappointed with all other filmed versions of the novel, expectations run high that the new version starring Leonardo DiCaprio will be every bit as disappointing!
Bruce Cruikshank, a junior at the University of Havertown PA, is typical. "This is my favorite novel," said Cruikshank, "and I am bursting at the seams to be as disappointed by this movie version as I've been by all the others."
"Robert Redford and Alan Ladd were both very disappointing as Gatsby," added sophomore Nicole Halaylos, "but I firmly believe that, despite his star status, Leonardo DiCaprio can and will be just as disappointing in the role."
"All the elements would seem to be in place for a decent movie with director Baz Luhrmann at the helm," commented film critic Leonard Farbman, "but I've got my fingers crossed for as disappointing an experience as I've ever had in a motion picture theater! And I look forward to the rich tradition of being disappointed by filmed versions of The Great Gatsby to continue for many years to come."
Ha ha! Crossing my fingers that we'll FINALLY get a good movie out of this great story. We'll see.
DiCaprio is unbelievable as an actor. His schmuckiness always comes through. Don't this film's trailers already look cheesy?
Sometimes we really have to work extra hard to underachieve. It takes an extreme amount of laziness and procrastination, requires special training and God-given talent. Thankfully, there is a twelve-year degree available from Havertown U. to guarantee success in both these areas.
I'm sure you'll find DiCaprio's name on the alumni roll.
If you believe that, I've got some lovely property on West Egg to sell you, used to be owned by a fella named Gatz ...
Haven't seen the trailers yet, Merilyn; I'm hoping to be unpleasantly surprised by the movie itself.
I've been trying to get into that underachievers class, but you have to have a proven record of achievement to qualify. Damn!
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