FF means Friday Fictioneers
They called her Ol' Sally, and the boys in the pink house grew up in her shadow. But Caleb and Kevin couldn't understand why nobody had ever climbed her.
"Kev," said Caleb, "with Ma & Pa away, let's me'n you climb up Ol' Sally."
The two set out on the narrow path as steep as the side of a barn, and Caleb was the first to reach the top.
"Cal," shouted Kevin, "whadya see up thar?"
"I cain't believe it, Kevin," gasped Caleb, "but now I git why ain't nobody ever climbed Ol' Sally."
"Why, Cal?"
"Ol' Sally's a dawg! I'm lookin' here at a 8 foot flea!"
Yeah, I saw a dog right away in the above picture prompt. I'll bet some of you did too (I hope). See her nose jutting out, her feet at the bottom, her green coat? I dunno, maybe she dyes it!
Why hasn't she moved in all the years the boys have been alive? Maybe she didn't feel like it. You want an explanation, call Animal Planet! And about my attempt at countrified speaking? Well, I tried; what do you want, I'm a Jew from Philadelphia!
Click here if you want stories that may be more logical than this, but knowing the Friday Fictioneers crew I wouldn't count on it. Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving Perry, to you and your green coated dog.
Thanks, Dawn. Oh, he wants to lick you! How cute!
Nurse! :)
Dear Perry,
This might very well be the most...um...er...unique take on the prompt. I definitely don't want to meet up with Sally's flea. Beware if Sally decides to scratch.
Shalom and Happy Thanksgiving,
Reading glasses recommended.
But to each his own.
Jings, I am itchy now.
Still smoking that stuff and listening to Lay Down Sally and Mustang Sally?
Perry, Perry, Perry.
Randy. Randy. Randy
(I think it was damn good!)
Oh my. Let's hope it isn't raining and Sally gets a sudden urge to shake.
Ouch... such a flea is almost worse than the dog... wonder about the ticks...
I'm with Randy. It was damn good. - Russell
I think I need one!
I'm a little concerned with meeting up with her poop too. I'm tellin' ya though, that is a dog, pure and simple.
You think you're itchy, how do you think Cal, Kev, and I feel?
No, but I have been going nuts trying to sneak Sally through the alley and keep her out of sight! Randy, Randy, Randy, Randy... that's enough
Oh, just take another look and you'll hear the "woof, woof, woof!"
Well, at least it might cure the drought in California!
Back to the pink house and under the covers quick!
Well, when are you two guys going to stop Bogarting that joint and pass it over, my friends? I need it because my story is starting to make sense to me.
say what? what happens now? :(
As specified in the directions for FF, it's what you look at, it's what you see...
You see weird stuff and it makes for an itchy story!
Why? The New York Kennel Club Show!
I guess no one else saw a dog is what you're telling me, huh?
And there comes the plane with the flea powder. My dog greets your dog, woof, woof. Hand over whatever you're smoking, please.
I love it! Sure, I see a dog. If I tilt my head just so and blink my eyes...yes, there it is! That must be one crazy flea.
I had hoped you saw the dog. You were my only hope after Russell. Forget the flea, just see the dog ... see the dog.
I can't hand it over. Ol' Sally just pooped. Won't be able to get to you for a couple of days.
Interesting approach to this weeks challenge. I had a dog once. I never wanted another once I experienced fleas. Eeekkk ... I feel itchy now. ��
Isadora ��
Sorry about the itches, but all Sally's 8 foot fleas are quite handsome and many speak French. But they do make you itchy! Thanks for writing.
Don't see it myself, but knowing your imagination that's not surprising!
Wow! Was not prepared for that! I might see a nose? But that is a stretch!!! I was never good at those hidden pictures?
I know people who dye their Maltese pink. I have never seen a green one though. I do see the dog in the cliff now that you mention it.
Well, she's got a very short forehead and a flat nose, if that helps. And boy does she smell!
From the nose, it's a looonnng way down to the paws. See it now?
Thank you. You may pet her now.
Well shucks, Perry, you did pretty dang good with the dialog for a Jew from Philadelphia. I've got to take a better look at that picture. I sure as shootin' didn't see no dog. Well done. :D --- Suzanne
And now I'm thinking about Clifford! Aww, sweet memories there, Perry. Love the way your imagination works. I didn't see a dog, but you did, and that's what matters. Fun take on this prompt!
WOOF! WOOF!!! See it now?
When my son Brandon and I were reading a Clifford book at an early age, he saw the drawings of Clifford on two consecutive pages across from each other and said "why are there two Cliffords?" Oy, he's 20 now and refuses to let me read Clifford to him whenever he's home.
ojmgtiv o
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