Wednesday, October 29, 2014

But What Else? That's It!

"But why does it have to be over, Jane?   Why?"

"For one thing, Jack, I don't like a bald man. Plus you have terrible breath,  you're too short for me, and speaking of short ..."

"Okay. But what else?"

"You regularly blow your nose in the dinner napkin, you announce your farts, and you're drunk most of the time on Ripple."

"Okay. But what else?"

"You're not very smart, you think Ebola and ISIS is a comedy team,  your posture is scarcely better than Quasimodo's, and you're not even Jewish!"

"But what else?"

"That's it."

"That's it?"

"Yeah, that's ... that's ... it.  

"That's it???"

"That's ... it. That's ....  Huh!  Know what, Jack?"

"What, Jane?"

"I love you!  Be mine!"

("The old 'But what else? That's it,' folks. Works every time!")


And that's it for this week's Friday Fictioneers story based on the picture prompt above. Tuck away this little technique should you ever need it if you are the kind of person who announces his farts and blows his nose in the table napkin.

Clearly none of the other Friday Fictioneers will ever need this technique, not even Russell, who probably comes the closest.  Check out their various and sundry story techniques by clicking here.

Well, Jane just called;  wonder what it could be?  Another glass of Ripple and I'm off!


Anonymous said...

Ebola and ISIS is a comedy team. Hilarious! They sound like they're made for each other.

Perry Block said...

Well, Ebola is the straight man and ISIS the wacky one. I understand the audience always laughs its head off! (Dark...Dark)

Anonymous said...

He is enough for Jane apparently! They sound like a married couple. Very entertaining dialogue. Helped eased some of my grouchiness from my cold. Thanks!


Perry Block said...

A married couple would probably have even fewer positive things to say. Glad I erased your grouchiness, now get well already!

Sandra Crook said...

:) He's a reall catch. I'd drop him, myself. Well done Perry.

P.S. Joshi said...

Perry, Hilarious. :) It sounds like they've been dating a long time. Everyone probably already thinks of them as a couple so they might as well make it permanent. At least there are no secrets between them. Well written as usual. :) --- Susan

Unknown said...

Great conversation there. Have you been listening in?

Alicia said...

Wow! What more could there be? She loves him warts and all. Delightful dialogue.

liz young said...

Is that it?

Russell said...

I bet Jack is a 'FUN SIZE' guy too (you'll have to read my post to get that one). I admire his persistence and farting talent.

Anonymous said...

I like how you wear down your women..
And slipping them a credit card helps, also. I seem to think you left that out.

Perry Block said...

Yes, but he has many redeeming qualities. For example, he does have some of his own teeth!

Perry Block said...

Thanks, Susan. And yes, I do announce my farts too.

Perry Block said...

Yes, indeed. But by the time I usually said "that's it?" they were usually long gone.

Perry Block said...

Warts, huge seeping pustules, and all. Delightful!

Perry Block said...

LOL! That's it.

Perry Block said...

Jack and I both are "fun, fun, oh what fun" size.

Perry Block said...

For a dude like Jack, it isn't necessary at all,.

Anonymous said...

oh, wow..
That's super freaky.

Subroto said...

That's it? No more?

Perry Block said...

No more. That's it.

Unknown said...

Good one Perry! I began a new flash site where you get a photo prompt and the first sentence to the story. You get to finish the story! I hope that you can take a moment to check out Mondays Finish the Story! Be well! ^..^

Dawn said...

That's it? Lol we women are a gullible sort.

Perry Block said...

Sounds cool, Barb! I'll look into it.

Perry Block said...

Not gullible. You just know CLASS when you see it!

Anonymous said...

Dear Perry, Ah . . . Must have been love at first sight then. Great story and you are so clever! Funny! Nan :)

Perry Block said...

Thanks, Nan. Probably more love at first fright, as they say.