Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Sky Disc

"Hang on, folks, I'm coming!"  shouted Roger to the two individuals trapped at the edge of the Sky Disc wrenched suddenly from its moorings.

Sweat poured from his forehead as he ascended the hastily extended wobbly ladder. Roger looked down at his wife Cynthia and eight year old son Timothy behind him. Why did they have to insist on making the perilous climb as well?

Why couldn't he stop them?!

Roger saw there were four feet separating the ladder from the Sky Disc's edge and he'd have to jump. A miss would send him hurtling to his death. Even if he could somehow make it,  how could Cynthia and Timothy ever hope to  survive?  

But jump all three of them must if  there were to be any chance of  "saving" the two dangling droids!

Though a bit controversial, Disney World's new Circle Tower of Death was proving to be a big hit.


It's my pleasure to send you on a special trip to Disney World on this Fourth of July, and I hope you'll pardon the extra 52 words I've asked you to take along on your journey. 

Your unplanned vacation is courtesy of my weekly entry in the Fabulous Friday Fictioneers based on the picture prompt above.  Join the other Fictioneers  in Going to Disney World!  by clicking on the Happiest Place on Earth and, of course, by parting with most of your money as you click. 

Happy Fourth of July! And don't forget to ride Splash Mountain!


John Nixon The Supercargo said...

This reads like a very bad dream. (And I mean that in the most positive sense!)

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields said...

Dear Perry,

Roger has quite an imagination, doesn't he? Fun piece. I loved Disney World. Went in the late 80's and would love to go back. Thanks for the short visit.



Anonymous said...

Sometimes the thread between reality and fiction is so very thin it is frightening. And the 'big hit' bit rings terribly true. Cleverly done!

Anonymous said...

A neat take on the photo prompt. That climb and jump certainly sound dangerous, and this ride sounds like it takes those nutty dads to lead the way. I like that the ride turned out to be popular.

Perry Block said...

Not sure what you're saying, but now I'm terrified to go to sleep!

Perry Block said...

Yes, I'd like to go back to Disney World too, but I think maybe I'll skip this ride.

Perry Block said...

Yes, it isn't all that different from people who love bungee jumping or running with the bulls or something like that.

Me, I like to take the clicker & go up the channels all the way from 1 to 847! Hey, I'm a daredevil too ..

Perry Block said...

Rest assured I'd watch while little Timmy takes it on.

Anonymous said...

Can't mind extra words when the story was excellent.

Anonymous said...

The Circle Tower of Death probably WOULD be a big hit for Disney...and the only thing stopping it from becoming a reality is the cost of liability insurance ;-)

Russell said...

We have our own Carousel of Death here at work, otherwise known as the sandwich vending machine. It's a big hit too, although I'm not courageous enough to try it.

Another great story, Perry. I think you should be designing rides for Disney.

Perry Block said...

Thank you! Gonna really ramp up the words next time and write a crappy story and see what happens ...

Perry Block said...

Aww,Disney can afford itl!

Perry Block said...

I would but my hand is still stuck in this damn vending machine!

janet said...

Amusing and individual use of the prompt, Perry. I have no doubt there would be some who would want to go on this rid,e although as mentioned above, the insurance would be the real Tower of Death.


brudberg said...

I must say.. when height anxiety sets in, my palms get wet by sweat... my keyboard is all wet now. This was a bad story (and I will sue Disney for it)

Sonia Lal said...

Splash Mountain sounds more fun than riding the droids.

Anonymous said...

You always manage to throw that twist in, darling. Another fun ride.

troy P. said...

I'm glad you used those extra 52 words - they were well worth the read (along with the 100 they accompanied!)

Perry Block said...

I would not be one of them, Janet. I'd rather sell the insurance.

Perry Block said...

Lots of luck getting money out of Disney! I'm afraid when it comes to Disney, the money only flows one way.

Perry Block said...

Well, that drop at the end doesn't thrill me, but basically, SCREW THE DROIDS!

Perry Block said...

Let's twist again like we did last summer, darling!

Perry Block said...

Thanks. If I'm going to fall to my demise, I'm going to talk all the words I can with me!

Linda Palund said...

Well, when it comes to saving Droids and preserving the Disney product, what's 52 words? Naughty! That's what!

Anonymous said...

LOL! It's only a matter of time, Perry. If they miss those wrungs, they'll give the surviving family members a 20 percent off discount on their next visit to Disney World Paris. (A very exciting story with a nice punch at the end!)

Perry Block said...

That's right, Linda! (Just don't tell Rochelle, she might yell at me ...)

Perry Block said...

Great line, Linda! I can't top it and won't try.

nightlake said...

Exciting and full of action till the end. Totally unexpected..

Perry Block said...

Just call me Vin Diesel!

Anonymous said...

lol love your crazy response to the prompt ^^ and there's no way in hell that i'm ever trying the Circle Tower of Death ^^i'll stick to teacups ride

Perry Block said...

That one scares me almost as much

Anonymous said...

I think you were playing the Circle of Death drinking game while writing this one (otherwise you'd have never considered that chancy leap). Good one.