Excedrin Headache No. 47
Picture prompt above, "story" below, and my shortest post ever at an itty-bitty four words. Yeah, it's kind of a cheat, but maybe I owe words back for all the posts in which I shamefully rampaged wildly past the designated 100 word limit.
If you're too young to remember the famous "Excedrin Headache Number" commercials, here's two of the classics. Not sure if they still make them, but I know they lasted far past the era of these two.
Sure to cure your headache is an ample dose of the offerings of the Fabulous Friday Fictioneers and Groundhog Appreciation Society for February 1, 2013. No prescription required.
Ha! The title's longer than your "story."
Yes, there ought to be some kind of award for that, I think.
Sometimes all it takes is a caption. :) Very funny.
Hah! Painfully clever.
And this post features much more character development than my usual! Thanks, Dave.
Yes, but it hurts me more than it does you!
Great prompt, Claire; admire your work.
That was bloody brilliant! haha
HAHAHAHAHAHA! OK, Perry. I'll give you this one. After all, I DO remember those commercials and the "story" really says it all. Thanks!
I remember those too.
cheat! ^^ unfortunately, i have no idea what you're talking about.lol i'll check out the commercials. knowing you, it's gotta be hilarious. hmmmn, yeah it kinda looked to me too like someone is trying to come out of the person's head... a split personality. two dominany personalities struggling for power -- yeah i believe that'll cause a hell of a headache ^^
Perry, how rude of you to make those of us of a certain age reveal ourselves by understanding your story. :-) I guess you weren aspirin' to do something a little different this week. And it worked.
hahaha, my laugh for the day. I'm old enough to remember.
hehe.. I had to look up the commercial to know what you are talking about. And i know now.. Some times few words say it all.. :-)
You never miss the mark, even briefly. :)
Well, in all due modesty it was brilliant. Not sure it was "bloody brilliant! ha, ha," though.
Thanks, Misanthropic One.
Thanks, Kent. And it's great to get away with four words or less on any assignment!
You remember those? Oh, come now.
I remember commercials for leeches.
I knew that some people wouldn't know the Excedrin commercials, but my laziness this week exceeded my desire to be universally accessible. Hope the clips helped!
Yes, I wasn't interested at all in buffering anyone's feelings.
So there.
All of us old enough to remember have one big Excedrin headache all right!
How do I write a comment shorter than your "story"?!
I really like your "brevity".
I don't think anyone ever got this frugal with words in this gang before. It's a world record!
Headache, LOL!!
Have not seen the commercial, but to have an outgrowth like that is clearly an issue.
Ok, this one's a bit US-centric and clearly waaay before my time. But I definitely think you should get something for having a longer title than story. In fact, I'm off to create myself a new 101 word title!
LOVED this. Very clever, and yes, I do remember those commercials (barely). Ha!
Maybe you should become a six-word memoirist like me. Go to my blog and you'll find posts about it. Hemingway started the whole phenom.
Thanks, Beth. Anyone who says they liked the post gets a free complimentary "but you can't possibly be old enough to remember those commercials!" directly from me. And this was yours.
I'll take a look at six word memoirizing, but in general it takes me more than six words to clear my throat.
That's a nice compliment that you went and did research in order to get a joke. I don't think that joke was worth it, but thank you for thinking it might have been!
Thanks, Sandra. A lucky shot, I guess.
The comment you might have written which would have been shorter than my story was "sucks."
But thanks for not writing that! (`I was thinking it.)
And an outgrowth that appears to be judging you as well.
Quite frankly, I doubt even the Excedrin would have been strong enough here!
Looking forward to reading your title real soon!
Probably won't bother with the story ....
Dear Perry,
This does make up for two and a half of your stories. Good job.
I remember.
Mine: http://kindredspirit23.wordpress.com/2013/01/31/3636/
I hate to admit I remember, but i guess I am among peers. Very interesting take and funny to the last.
Hi Perry,
Sorry, I was too lazy to read your whole story. I got tired in the middle after "headache" so I can only comment on the first part. I thought it was a painful story, heady and cerebral. Ron
What is this some kind of a sick joke?
I guess being sculpted would be enough to bring on an Excedrin headache! But how will they manage to swallow the stuff? Clever.
Don't you mean bufferin' ?
Haven't heard that commercial in years. Great job.
Two and a half of my stories, Doug? One of them was 347 pages long.
I've still got a lot of atoning to do.
I miss those commercials. I miss Dick Cavett too, whose voice is on both of them.
I am old. I miss not being.
Thanks, but please don't use the expression "to the last" to anyone who's old enough to remember those commercials!
Don't worry, Ron. The Cliff's Notes come out next week.
The sickest. The not funny kind.
At least it was over fast.
Good Question! Headache No. 48.
Thank you, Shirley. But you can't possibly be old enough to remember those commercials.
See above
With brevity like this, you should look at entering some of those "six word story" contests, Perry. Thanks for lightening the load this week!
You're welcome. Drop your load here anytime, Elmo/Jennifer!
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