"I'm telling ya, Jack, the motion
picture business is the only place to be!
Yeah, got myself a new phone, can you hear me? You and me
together, bubbela, like in the old days! With our connections, we'll be
making pictures in no time. We can get Pickford,
we can get Chaplin, when the timing’s right, we
can get Jolson!
Ah, Jackie, come
on! Take a week and drive with me to LA, we'll talk it though. There's
gold in them thar
Hollywood Hills!"
Told you, Jack, I just got the latest phone. Yep, with all the apps!
Of course I'm talking to you from 1913! Who'd be crazy enough to want to go
into the movie business in 2057?!"
Picture prompt above, story below, 120 words .... that's the run down of my weekly contribution to the Fabulous Friday Fictioneers and Justice League of America Superheroes for this third week of January, 2013.
I'm no superhero for being above 100 words, but I'll try to come to the rescue of that imperiled word tally next week. Til then, you guys ought to be in pictures!
If we can just convince Jackie to make them.
Dear Perry,
The time travel app? I'm there. Wrote this tomorrow, by the way. I'll be sending it yesterday, though, because I have some things to get done on a deadline, like posting my own story.
Dear Perry,
Jack shouldn't worry. In 2057 all the movies will be remakes anyway. Loved the conversation and the references to Jolson, Chaplin and Pickford. I love the old movies. I'd question 1913...or did you mean they were two floors away? Rm. 1913 and Rm 2057 at the Hotel California.
Fun stuff,
Jackie should go all the way to make the movie and also allow for some Apps too...
Nicely done, made me grin.
Loved it Perry. This was before Prohibition,right? Who'd want to visit those years anyway. My and my crew are holding out for W.C. Fields, the Marx Bros., and Mae West.
I was having a BLAST reading this, Perry! I hoped it would continue. But that ending hit me BIG time! I'm a sucker for the old school.
Great read! Enjoyable!!!
Ah, yet another surprise ending - love them all!
Mine: http://kindredspirit23.wordpress.com/2013/01/17/friday-fictioneers-uncle-waldo-genre-humorous/
haha you made me smile , perry ^^ and im feeling ill today so that's like a huge deal ^^
Nice job Perry...but you knew I was going to say that... you crazy time traveler.
Tom (2013)
Yes, Doug, it's a great app to have because you can go back in time and follow up on every woman in your past you were afraid to come on to in those days.
And you can find out that you would have been rejected anyway.
Say what you will, it's perfect peace of mind!
What do you mean "old movies?" Chaplin and I are working out something called "Modern Times" right now. Oh, that little tramp doesn't make a move without me.
Yep, got me one of those newfangled phones too!
Say hello to 2013.
Nice smile!
But a response like that makes me think it's the drugs and not my story.
Maybe you can talk some sense into him!
Glad you grinned, Sandra. But when we make the picture with Jolson, you'll stand up and cheer!
Russell, you and I ought to get the app and we'll be messing around with Helen of Troy and Cleopatra, let alone those guys!
Although, come to think of it, I wouldn't mind spending some time with the Stooges provided it's with Curly and not Shemp.
Thanks, Kent. Come and visit "My Old School" any old time you want!
Thank you. I was kind of surprised myself, especially when I got the long distance bill for the call!
Thank you, kz. My bill for services rendered to follow.
Nicely done Perry.
From the DeLorean to the nice compact size of a phone. NICE. And with their knowledge of the future they could do it bigger and better. Strike it rich. That is the plan, right? Well done! I really enjoyed reading this one, Perry!
Excellent stuff. Liked it a lot.
Not only did I know you were going to say that, I know all about your upcoming affairs with Scarlett Johansson and Sofia Vergara.
You dog, you!
Thank you, Dude! Made the long trip to 1913 worth it.
I couldn't afford the DeLorean so I took the droid. The trip's a bit more uncomfortable but when we make it in the picture biz, I'm taking me the QE2 back home!
Thanks, but I'm still not getting anywhere with Jackie!
Loved the old movie references...surprise era at the end!
Thanks! And we're even negotiating with Fatty Arbuckle!
Loved this, thinking about time travel and those old movies (and you did such justice to those times, mentioning those stars), and all your responses. your sense of humor is so much fun.
Hi Perry,
Those new apps are amazing. I just got the new one that will write comments in response to flash fiction. Of course I've had the one that writes flash fiction for a while now. Now I'm looking for an app to select and buy more apps. Ron
Time Travel via iPhone... Cool, Perry!!!
This is super cool...i like it. I wonder what movies will be like in 2057. Maybe reality shows will be the new movies...
I would buy a new phone just for this app. Plus nice name you used. ;-)
Wonderful look on your smartphone. Would love to sweep through the city carrying that one.... :-)
Whoa! Took me a while to grasp this.
That's very creative Perry. Imagine what it'd be like having an app like that! Super cool!
Love it love it - I just wish I could come up with a comment even half witty enough to belong on the same page as your story!
all them apps. the world is a different place, and it's in two places at once. well done.
Well, I hope you can have "fun-fun-fun til your daddy takes your train-whistle away!"
Or something like that. Thanks for writing.
Thanks, Ron. I'm looking for an app that will beat up all your apps no matter what apps you get.
Your apps wear army boots! Gee, I hope my apps are ready ...
Yeah,Ted, but sometimes it cuts off and leaves me smack in the middle of the Spanish Inquisition.
Well, for one thing, Boomie, Harrison Ford will still be rocking it!
Thanks for writing.
Well, as you know, Jackie, the name was selected especially for you. I'm only sorry I didn't have the opportunity to have a man scream it aloud in this story.
Certainly next time!
Yes, the smartphone is designed to look exactly like whatever era you are in when using it.
For most years prior to the 1870's, it is a paper cup attached to a string.
Hello, Spartacus?!!
It's true. I just can't wait to call someone and tell them I'll be late for an appointment because I'm busy helping invent fire.
Maybe you and I could work on it together?
Looks like you did. And I love it, love it!
Thank you. Yes, the apps give you the opportunity to find out that no matter where throughout history you may roam, nobody wants to talk to you...
very well done:)
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