Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Put On Your Hat And Coat, And Hat And Coat (FF)

FF - Flash Fiction
copyright - Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

"Look at the frost on the window, Micah!  How cold out it must be!"

"Yeah, it's like that this time of year, Z.  Makes you hate to go outside."

"Well, we gotta go, Micah. Put on your hat and coat.  And hat and coat.  And hat and coat."

"You too, Z.  Boy that's a thick coat; where'd you get it?" 

"Made it from the wool of half a dozen very hirsute sheep."

“Oh my god, it's freezing out here!  It must be minus 80 degrees!”

 “Sure wish we lived on a planet that only had four seasons, Micah. Like Earth.” 

“Right, Zontar!  Winter's bad enough; schlossertime's a killer!


Yep, next time you think it's too darn cold in winter, just be thankful we don't have schlossertime on Earth. It's so cold then that the holiday that falls during schlossertime features a visit from Old Father Anti Freeze. 

The other Friday Fictioneers' takes on the picture prompt above are available right here. And available for you winter, spring, summer, and schlosser!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to put on my hat and coat.  And hat and coat.  And hat and coat.  


brudberg said...

Love this.. but I'm happy for winter now. Don't need any Old Father Anti-Freeze, or even Lady Flame

Lynn Love said...

Things could always be worse! Will try and avoid schlossertime if I at all can. :)

Perry Block said...

Thank you sir! Just for that both Old Father Anti-Freeze and Lady Flame are going to bring you Anti Freeze this schlossertime.

Perry Block said...

Just keep living on this planet and you'll be fine, Lynn!

Chioma said...

Thank God for earth then!
Chioma from livehomeandaway

Sandra Crook said...

Earth gets my vote then. :)

Snow's Fissures and Fractures said...

Another great story that put a smile on my face. Great work as usual!

Russell said...

I knew a woman who's heart was schlossertime cold. Her dream in life was to become a mother-in-law. Unfortunately, no one would marry her and even attempts at artificial insemination failed due to the below-zero atmosphere of her womb. The last I heard she was moving to a suburb outside Philadelphia.

Gah Learner said...

Heh, I can very well do without schlossertime. This is great. At first I was reminded of the scene in the movie Cool Runnings where the Jamaicans arrive in Calgary.

Jan Brown said...

Reminds me of little brother Randy in Jean Shepard's "The Christmas Story." He had on so many layers of outerwear that he couldn't put his arms down :-) Love the concept of Schlossertime! Feel as though we experience it about every other year here in the midwest. It is then that I yearn for global warming and stand in my backyard in my parka with a can of aerosol spray anything, spraying furiously into the ozone 😉

P.S. Joshi said...

I think we were close to Schlossertime every winter in northeastern Ohio. We doubled the outerwear and kept the faucets dribbling all night so the pipes wouldn't freeze. We also rolled up towels to put at the bottoms of doors to keep drafts out. Good story. You have a wild imagination, Perry. :D --- Suzanne

Alicia said...

Old Father Anti Freeze. Ha! May I never be on that planer during schlossertime.

Perry Block said...

Oh, let's have a snowball fight in the good old schossertime ...

Perry Block said...

Thanks so much! Now to wipe that smile off your face with a well-packed schlossertime snowball!

Perry Block said...

I'm not at all surprised. Happy Fetes de Schlossertime!

Perry Block said...

Not sure I saw that but if there's a scene where they take off their hat and coat, and hat and coat, and hat and coat, it must be Schlossertime!

Perry Block said...

It does remind me of that kid too. I guess to balance Schlossertime, we ought to have an additional hot season, like Svitzertime."Why this drink is only ice cold! It's Svitzertime, it should be thermonuclear cold!!"

Perry Block said...

What did you say? My teeth were chattering too loudly to hear!

Perry Block said...

Yes, they get very few tourists that time of year.

Perry Block said...


Dawn said...

Hate winter. Glad to live here in earth. Thanks for reminding me to count my blessings lol

Indira Mukhopadhyay said...

Liked your story though we welcome winter here in coastal area.It's a relief from hot and humid weather.

margirene said...

I'm wondering if the inhabitants of this planet are layering on their warm clothes or if they've got additional body parts. It's possible. Funny story.