Friday, December 4, 2015

Tardy for the TARDIS (FF)

© Roger Bultot
FF means Friday Fictioneers

"I still can't believe I got the part," I exclaimed to the director Mr. Nelson on my first day on the set.

"Oh, no, Mr. Block, you’re just what we were looking for."

"And to think I'm playing Dr. Who," I rhapsodized, “the 47th actor to play the role!"

"And you’re joining the exclusive ranks of folks like Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee, and the last doctor, Jennings Moosh.”

"Excuse me, Mr. Nelson, but why is that flame thrower setting fire to the TARDIS and rolling in towards me?"

"Well, you see, we're ending the series and finally killing the good doctor off."

"Killing the ... then why did you need me?!!"

“We needed an actor so incredibly annoying the audience would be thrilled to see him go.   You, sir, are perfect!"


Truth to tell, I'm not even particularly a Dr. Who fan, but since I was kind of late to Friday Fictioneers this week, I took the easy road and went for the obvious. And since I was tardy for the TARDIS, I went for the double obvious and threw a Perry standard issue self-deprecating ending to the piece as well.

The other Friday Fictioneers have other interpretatirons of the picture prompt above and you can travel through time and space to see them by clicking here. 

"Okay, well then where's my stand-in, Mr. Nelson?  Yes, where's my... ?  What do you mean, there's no ..."


Dale said...

Oh don't be so mean to yourself!

Perry Block said...

Thanks, Dale! Feel like being my stand-in?

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields said...

Dear Perry,

You have a knack for aiming your inner Don Rickles at yourself. Like the song without an end I believe Dr. Who must be the television show without end. Your story is flamingly funny.

Shalom and almost Happy Chanukah/Hanukkah no matter what your spelling preference.


plaridel said...

if there's any consolation, he'll continue to live on tv reruns. :)

Unknown said...

Haha! Oh, Perry. I'm sure they'd give you at least a couple of lines before killing you off! Oh, dear. Thanks for the laugh.

Alicia said...

Oh, what a hit! Very fun, once again.

Perry Block said...

I prefer Hanukkah, but as the the guy who sunk the Dr. Who series after 157 years, I wouldn't listen to me. Happy almost holiday, Rochelle.

Perry Block said...

Yes, and so will my ten seconds as the character:

"Look, he's the new doctor!"

"Yes, I have just regenerated and ....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

Perry Block said...

Yes, here's my line:

"Why don't you folks turn off the television and go outside and live your lives, because what's about to happen is ...AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Perry Block said...

Fun? Yes, it certainly was a hot time for me as well.

Sandra Crook said...

The prospect of Dr Who coming to an end is a lot more appealing than the though of losing you from FF. Don't take the role.

Perry Block said...

I've already decided to turn it down in favor of a role on one of the 47 CSI shows, probably as a dead guy.

P.S. Joshi said...

Well done, Perry. Should I say, "Goodby," for good? If they ever did a final Dr. Who, they'd have to face the ire of the fans. That guy is like a boomerang, he always returns. His planet can't even be destroyed for good. :D --- Suzanne

Subroto said...

Ha! Ha! That's one way to get toasted.

Russell said...

I figured you were fire retardant, or at least just retardant. Another role you might audition for is Abe Vigoda's older brother in the remake of "Leave it to the Geriatric Beaver."

liz young said...

I suspect the flame thrower isn't a prop?

Perry Block said...

Just wait til I get into the series, he'll do a swan dive that will last forever. "That's the doctor now???!!! Let's see what else is on!"

Perry Block said...

Yeah, but not the most desirable way!

Perry Block said...

I don't even want to think about leave it to the geriatric beaver, or see one. Goodbye Doctor, hello toast!

Perry Block said...

Nope. Dr. Who doesn't ever want to be accused of cheesy special effects ever again.