Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Michelin Man Comes to Mewly (FF)

Once a thriving small town in the middle of Kansas, Mewly had fallen on hard times, and nothing symbolized the town's decline more than the shuttered Middleham Motors.

Old battered tires were strewn throughout the site.

But one day an excited Mayor Jane Sibly announced she had found a buyer for Middleham.

"Who is the buyer?" asked the residents of Mewly.

“You won’t believe this:  it’s the famous Michelin Man! He’s coming tomorrow.”

But everyone was worried.  There was no time to clean up the site.

The next day the Michelin Man flew into Mewly.  As he arrived at Middleham Motors, everyone held their breaths.

“Mom! Dad!” he cried, ”You’re here!”  

Today, Mewly is the Tire Capitol of the World.


That's quite a tender and poignant reunion between the Michelin Man and his folks I closed with here, and for those of you who don't think I can write tender and poignant, you're right.  I paid Russell plenty to write that sequence.

To kick the tires of other Friday Fictioneers' entries on this week's prompt, please kick ... I mean, click here.

Say, need any tires while you're here in Mewly? We got a great sale going on the Michelin Man's Aunt Phoebe and Uncle Bud.


Sandra Crook said...

He's finally getting back to his roots. Such a tenderly poignant finale, whoever wrote it. :)

Perry Block said...

I wanted to get you, Sandra, but I just couldn't afford your rates!

Alicia said...

Who knew The Michelin Man had parents! Then again why not - we all came from somewhere, I mean someone, I mean ... Thanks for the smile.

Russell said...

I don't know about anyone else, but I got teary-eyed reading this. I'm sure Michelin boy gave them a lot of trouble as a youth. I can just hear Mama Tire giving Dad an ear full, "I told you to wear an inner tube when we have sex. Just look how he turned out. No wonder the kids at school call him a retread."
BTW - Thanks for the call-out, Perry. I need all the publicity (and payments) I can get.

janet said...

You have to tread lightly when doing a family story, Perry, and you didn't wreck it. We're never too tired for a happy ending Good job.


P.S. Joshi said...

Perry, What a lovely family reunion. What's this I hear about him selling off his relatives? Funny and well written as usual. : ) --- Susan

Perry Block said...

I didn't smile at you! Oh, I see ... thanks, Alicia.

Perry Block said...

Yeah, and thanks for the $500 price tag to write one paragraph! And didn't we all wear inner tubes when we had sex?

Perry Block said...

I hate it when a conservative is funnier than me!

Perry Block said...

Thanks, Susan. Yes, as it turns out, the Michelin Man is a bastard. But at least he made sure his grandmother fetched a decent price ...

Anonymous said...

You know, if you knew Mewly like I knew Mewly
oh, oh, what a wonderful town!

I could have told you that Mr. and Mrs. Michelin had retired there a long time ago.


Anonymous said...

It's a bird. It's a plane. It's . . . the Michelin Man? Hahaha! Good for a laugh as always, Perry. I enjoyed the ride.


Perry Block said...

But then they got divorced and Mrs. Michelin won't leave me alone! Say, think you might be interested? She's got a real bouncy personality!

Perry Block said...

Thanks, MG, but I dunno: I was nauseous after the ride myself!

Unknown said...

That was fun. I hope the Michelin family enjoy the countryside.

Perry Block said...

They love it wherever the rubber meets the road.

brudberg said...

I wonder if Michelin man was tired of all his travels.. good to settle down with his folks

Anonymous said...

He came quite far for himself, but he finally retraced his tracks. I'm glad it helped out Mewly too.

Dawn Q. said...

I've always thought you and Russell should team up! ;-) You old softies... ur, I mean midlin softies... um youthful softies!

Perry Block said...

I think he was just tired of being tread on.

Perry Block said...

First thing Mewly better do is change its named if it wants to get itself anywhere.

Perry Block said...

Russell is the old softie! As for me, I'm not sure I like either of those descriptors ---"old" or "softie."

Dawn said...

Awwww...reunited, what a warm and fuzzy tale <3

Anonymous said...

Gripping stuff - revolutionary really. I understand your trepidation when traversing new creative roads - when you are driven to quality, there is a lot riding on every word.


Anonymous said...

Dear Perry - Superb job - you are funny! Great outlook on life! You really are something!
Nan :)