Friday, April 19, 2013

The Phobia

"Best honey I've ever had!"  said the woman as she paid at the register.

"Oh, thank you," I replied.  

"So you raise the bees and harvest the honey right here?" she asked

"Yes, been working with bees all my life," I told her. "They're  sort of ... umm ... like my friends." 

"Not me!"  she laughed. "Terrified of 'em, terrified of being stung,  I scream if one even comes near."

"I've got some phobias myself," I said, "but bees simply isn't one of them."

"Goodbye," she called, taking her package and closing the shop door behind her.

"YAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" I screamed as soon as she left the shop.

Been terrified of people all my life.


What's the Buzz?  The picture prompt provided by the Fabulous Friday Fictioneers is above, and below is my short story take thereupon.  The post flew in at 115 words this week which is above the allotted 100, but not so terribly above as for one to get hives over either.

The rules of the Friday Fictioneers are just a click away along with a link to the stories written by the other Fictioneers, many of which I'm sure are pure honies.

Now, if you don't mind, I'm terrified of all of you so I have to go!  Hope you have a sweet week. 


EL Appleby said...

Very very funny! I have to go and scream now, I'm afraid of humour :)

Perry Block said...

And I'm afraid of people who are afraid of humor. "YAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid to comment. Not really a fear, just bashful. A honey of a story, Perry.

janet said...

Good one, Perry. I give him credit for hanging in there for so long.


brudberg said...

Very good ... I'm never disappointed coming here.

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields said...

I can feel his pain, Perry. People terrify me.

Anonymous said...

Yah indeed! Hope you're not actually terrified of us all. :)

Perry Block said...

Thank you, honey. No, I mean, thank for calling my story a honey, honey! No, no, that's not it ... You're my honey for commenting ... no, no, I didn't mean that!

Okay, I do love you, but platonically. And thanks for writing, honey!

Perry Block said...

Being that he's me, I give him credit for screaming with so relatively few A's and H's. Thank goodness she didn't hit him!

Perry Block said...

I'm glad, because I always am.

Perry Block said...

Well, then "Boo, Rochelle."

Perry Block said...

Actually only you!

nightlake said...

Good that he didn't scream when she was there..or he'd have lost a customer..human phobia..interesting

Perry Block said...

Human phobia is more common than you think. Oh no, I'm about to scream right now and lose a reader!!!!!

Sandra Crook said...

There's more reason to be afraid of people than lots of other so-called phobias. Nice one Perry - you never disappoint.

JudyA said...

All the comments are saying it best and better! Very good Flash! We may have to start calling you Flash!

Anonymous said...

hahahaha you are so weird... in such a great way ^^ extremely hilarious!

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields said...


Perry Block said...

Sure hope your weekend improves from there, Libby!

Lora said...

Hahaha...great twist. However, if he has a phobia against people...he's in the wrong profession. He should be an accountant stuck in a tiny office, all by himself. Thanks for the chuckle.

June O'Hara said...

So clever. Great post!

Perry Block said...

Thanks, Sandra, but the reason I never disappoint is because people come here expecting to be disappointed ...

Perry Block said...

Thanks, Judy. I haven't pulled off a very good flash since ....nah, terrible joke!

Perry Block said...

I'm weird?! You're just the kind of human being that scares me ... AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Perry Block said...

Yes, but at least I have tiny friends as a beekeeper. Care to meet them right now, they're out on break?

Perry Block said...

Thanks, June. To keep the bees out, you might want to put in a great post.

Anonymous said...

ha - I feel the same way, but only with girls :)

Perry Block said...

Yep, especially afraid of them too!

Dobson said...

Very funny Perry. This is as much a real phobia as the fear of bees or spiders!

Anonymous said...

What is the phobia called if you are only afraid of people who open their mouths?

Perry Block said...

That's true, although for me nothing tops fear of spiders! NOTHING!!!

I actually like people more ...

Perry Block said...

It's called normal.

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