Friday, October 2, 2015

The Museum of the Electronic Mouse (FF)

Willard Cornwallis had always wanted to open a museum and be a millionaire, and he thought he could accomplish both by opening The Museum of the Electronic Mouse.

The new museum had wired mouses, wireless mouses, and a mouse that said "Made in China." There was a mouse that had been used by Gates (David Gates, the lead singer of Bread), one used by Steve Jobs (a small employment agency in Akron), and a fanciful mouse operated by Blue Stripe Guy, a Batman villain who never quite got to tangle with Batman because his mommy called him in for dinner.

In June, Willard Cornwallis opened his museum and by August he was indeed a millionaire many times over. 

The crowds that thronged to The Museum of the Electronic Mouse did not come to see the exhibits. They came to see what kind of an idiot would think he could become a millionaire with a museum like The Museum of the Electronic Mouse.


If you're a stickler for the 100 word requirement of the Friday Fictioneers (and fortunately Rochelle is not), I hope you didn't read the above piece. This story is so far over the limit, even I want to force feed me my mouse for writing it.

But I didn't want to give short shrift to an enterprising dude like Willard Cornwallis, so I present his story here in 200 words or less (I hope).  You can read the enterprising and certainly more length-appropriate stories of the other Fictioneers by clicking here.

See you at The Museum of the Electronic Mouse! Can't to see that "Made in China" wonder. 

(Sorry, still mostly missing in action for reading your stories.  Please don't write anything great until I come back ....)


Rochelle Wisoff-Fields said...

Dear Perry,

There a get rich quick schemes and there are get rich quick schemes. Love Steve Jobs as an employment agency. LOL


Rochelle said...

Nice take on the prompt.

Alicia said...

Ha! Sounds like something I would come up with.Love "Blue Stripe Guy." Alicia

Dawn said...

There's genius here somewhere.

Unknown said...

Hey, I love it! That last paragraph is priceless.
And I don't know who is the bigger idiot: Cornwallis or each and every person who made the trip to visit the museum and gave him their money.

Perry Block said...

You didn't mention anything about the untoward length! I guess it was the Steve Jobs joke that saved me.

Perry Block said...

For that, a free pass to the museum!

Perry Block said...

Blue Stripe Guy threatens to return to destroy Batman when he turns 18. The world will be watching.

Perry Block said...

Well, it certainly isn't here.

Perry Block said...

I think they're all idiots, but at least Willard Cornwallis is a millionaire idiot.

Anonymous said...

Good job, Perry. You counted over a 100, created Of Men and their Mice, and thought of a new way to become a mice-onaire, er, millionaire.
Good tail, so to speak.

Dale said...

Regardless of why they came... they came!

P.S. Joshi said...

Hilarious, Perry. I'll have to check on that "Steve Jobs" agency in my old hometown of Akron. Well done. :D --- Suzanne

Russell said...

I can see Blue Stripe Guy riding Fruit Stripe Zebra out of a checkered past. Even Superman's X-ray vision would have trouble focusing in on that.

Helen Walton built a huge museum here. I don't know why. The woman was already a billionaire several times over. I walked through part of it this summer and never saw a single mouse. I was extremely disappointed and asked for a full refund, but since admission was free all I got was a face full of hot air--which I thought I'd share with you.

Gah Learner said...

I could have sworn I had replied already, but Google must have eaten my reply. Anyway, what a fun story. William is one lucky guy.

Perry Block said...

Counting over 100 was by far the toughest part! Thanks, Randy.

Perry Block said...

Yep. You and I need to come up with a scheme like that.

Perry Block said...

Sure does! Not that I know what this is. (Looks like a British show that has never made it over to this side of the Atlantic.)

Perry Block said...

I think they're doing well. They have an offshoot now called Steve Temp Jobs.

Perry Block said...

No mouses? She must be dumber than Willard Cornwallis; at least he knew to put in mouses. What will Blue Stripe Guy rob?

Perry Block said...

So is Willard.

Gah Learner said...

Willard, sorry. Not my day yesterday.