copyright Sandra
"To the Hunt! To the Hunt!"
"I love it every year,
Chauncey: the annual "Shot
to Smithereens Fox Hunt."
"Yes, what great sport, Maximilian!
Did you see my new hunting rifle? It's a double speed triple axle Kill the Little Sucker Mangler."
"Good show. Look Chauncey,
a small fox right now, running through the meadow!"
"He's about to feel the
wrath of our mighty thunder."
"Wait! What's that
he's got in hand?"
"It looks like a semiautomatic assault rifle. Wherever could such a creature secure one of those in
the United States without ID and back ground check?"
"He's firing rapid rounds!"
"That's so unfair, Maximilian.
Why doesn't he pick on someone his own size?"
For some reason the Friday Fictioneer picture prompt above made me think of fox hunts, so I thought I'd take a potshot (as opposed to a rifle shot) at what would seem to be the cruelest sport since bullfighting.
Hopefully most of you will not go "to the hunt," but as far away from it as you can. Better to go instead to the offerings of the other Fictioneers by clicking here.
I am without a functioning laptop this week, so I fear I will do an exceptionally poor job of reading other people's stories this time around instead of my usual poor job of reading other people's stories. Sorry, but I'll be sure to hunt for your stories next week!
Oh the agony and the irony! I could just see it. Nice job.
Yikes! That'll teach them to brag around about their new rifles. Revenge is sweet.
Great turnaround!
I agree it's such a cruel activity. I'm cheering for the fox! Very funny take, Perry and perfect for this prompt. Good luck with your laptop and hope you're back in business soon. I know what a pain that is!
Bloomin' foxes - never play fair. Good one! :)
Good story. And as they say, those who apply for a firearm license are those who should be regarded as unfit to carry a gun.
Dear Perry,
The fox probably works for the police or Homeland Security. (Better watch your step.)
Well done.
When I was younger, I pursued a few fine foxes myself. Usually, I got slapped in the face or had my crotch dashed with a cup full of icy soda, but I always enjoyed the chase. I understand they are all now carrying guns, pepper spray, or tasers. It's a dangerous game for young hunters these days.
A revenge for the fox .. somehow I think he's outgrown the hunters and hounds..
Turn about is fair play.
some day hapless nature will have its revenge
And so the tables are turned. Brilliant.
The biter bit. Splendid stuff, Perry.
This is a case, I supposed, of being outfoxed - as well as outgunned!
A fox firing rounds back at people, huh. Somehow that sounds fair, actually self-defense. Hilarious once again, Perry. :D ---Suzanne
Glad you could visualize the seas of blood and endless carnage about to take place here. My work is done!
Yes, it is. Although I hope to never see a fox who's a member of the National Rifle Association.
Thanks, Dawn. Score one for the underfox!
Thanks, Amy. I saw your post and very sorry for your loss.
That's one interpretation, Sandra. I guess I'm deeper than I think.
I wouldn't want any of these characters to carry a gun. I want to see the fox take them on and whup them in hand to hand combat!
Right now the fox is reviewing your very file!
Thank our lucky stars we are not young hunters anymore --- NOT!!!
i think that's right. We Flying Fictioneers better duck!
The last time I turned about I got dizzy. At least it worked for the fox.
And that day is today! Or actually last Thursday, when I wrote this thing because I couldn't think of anything else.
Gee, I thought I only had to turn the mattresses! Thanks.
Don't thank me. Thank the irresponsible gun dealer who sold the assault weapon the the fox!
As always, I am out wisecracked. Out-of-sight, dude!
It is fair, Suzanne. Now if we can only equip a bull with a sword and a cape.
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