FF-Friday Fictioneers
It looks like a village out of the dawn of history, but it
is actually Feringie Way, the hottest board game on Earth now literally being played all over the planet.
shouted Fred. Now I have 24 Chieftains. You roll, Kevin!"
A nine!" laughed Kevin. "I'm going to begin moving my 640 Archers
to Bas Plateau. I'll mow your
Chieftains down!"
with my 3,000 Horsemen and Desert Fighters. Here goes: a five! Moving my Sun Chieftain to Sirkhan Ramp.”
"Harry! Harry! The giant hand is grabbing me again! We should have never let the new arrivals play. "
shut up and let Fred Xontar move you, Blanche! Humankind has no
So? Been moved to any interesting places lately? I tend to prefer Sirkhan Ramp because there are frequently hundreds of Buxom Goddesses positioned there, although I'm not particularly enamored of Nebbish Row where everyone is a guy named Murray.
When I meet a Buxom Goddess I actually like, I make sure to tell her that this week I brought in my contribution to the Friday Fictioneers based on the picture prompt above at 100 words, just like a good little game piece should!
You can check out the work of some of the other Chieftains, Desert Fighters, and Buxom Goddesses by clicking upon them here. But you better hurry, it's Kevin Klingon's turn! Ouch, Kevin, not so rough grabbing my tuchas!
When I meet a Buxom Goddess I actually like, I make sure to tell her that this week I brought in my contribution to the Friday Fictioneers based on the picture prompt above at 100 words, just like a good little game piece should!
You can check out the work of some of the other Chieftains, Desert Fighters, and Buxom Goddesses by clicking upon them here. But you better hurry, it's Kevin Klingon's turn! Ouch, Kevin, not so rough grabbing my tuchas!
Ah, it's so nice to smile! Thanks for that!
Mine: http://kindredspirit23.wordpress.com/2013/11/13/5564/
Pawns, nothing more than pawns. Sometimes it seems that way. Nice one Perry! :)
A pawn? Why I'm a Courtier Sans-a-Belt! Which is ... yeah, a pawn.
Thanks! Nice to be smiled at.
Ah to be a pawn in their game... The wonders of the board game, now played on contraptions I know nothing about. I've never even seen a computer game since husband Charley was addicted to Miss Packman! The last game anywhere near this I played was RISK. Stormed off when everyone broke my clever Treaties. Just like real life.
Ms PacMan was lots of fun 30 years ago. My kids were mostly into sports games like Madden and high speed racing games, not so much shoot-em-ups. It takes a race of alien giants to bring back the good old board game. I can't wait to be the top hat in Monopoly! Ooops, gotta go ...
Great article, Perry! Funny, too! Leaving now to find some of those other chieftains...Joy Ross Davis
Dear Giant Hand,
Stop touching my Buxom Goddesses! If you don't, I'll get Giant Foot to intervene ;-)
I'll take a board game over a computer game any day of the week, except the second Tuesday of every third month, unless its a holiday or a Tuesday. I wouldn't want to be a gamepiece though. Hope those giant hands are gentle, otherwise it's going to turn into a very dull game of flinging dead bodies around... actually, that sounds kind of fun- if you're the giant hand anyway.
And here, I thought my 2 knights and 2 rooks were going to be able to compete. Not against all those horsemen and desert fighters! A fun story, Perry -- just watch out for that giant hand!
Thanks, Joy. I've got to leave now too; many of us Buxom Goddesses are being moved to Bas Plateau. Yep, in this game it's whatever Xontar wants you to be!
Giant hand gets to have more fun in 15 minutes of this game than I did in my entire lifetime before the alien invasion! Not fair!
I understand that everything's fun if you're the giant hand because that also means you have a giant .. um... talent for this game. But let's play before the dead bodies start piling up too high or it turns the second Tuesday of the third month .....
Watch out for wha ....AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Hi Perry,
This sound suspiciously like Risk. I'm pretty sure I once played this at a toga party in Serbia with Bosnian freedom fighters. Or maybe it was with Somali pirates and Tom Hanks. No, now I remember, it was at my Aunt Shirley's last night. A big fight broke out when we caught my aunt using loaded dice and the big hand had to break it up.
Once again this week, your imagination is totally out of control. Ron
Aunt Shirley?!! AUNT SHIRLEY THE THUMB?!!! She's the one that always sticks her thumb way up where the moon don't .... !!! It's not just the dice that's loaded when she plays!
Oy, I wish the Somali pirates would get rid of the aliens already. I am so tired of being a Buxom Goddess!
Sorry, Perry--my Marilyn Monroe and her 30,000 Look-Alikes trump your Buxom Goddesses any day. Surrender and join the party.
In that case, I surrender. Boy, do I surrender!
So Adam Smith was a board game afficiendo. More so than Keynes, I guess.
aaaaand... I have no Idea what just went on there. I feel like I just walked into a comic book store on game day. But I walked away with a smile on my face, darling, and that's all that matters.
I've been played! Well done Perry. I enjoyed this and I believe it some days.
Well, Patrick, you've succeeded in making me feel like a moron. I deserve to be a pawn!
I hope you and I land on the same space and get stuck there for a long time, darling! Thank you!
Except for the Buxom Goddesses. Not too many of those these days in my life. Thanks!
sucks to be human. never really liked board games but this was definitely fun :-)
It does suck to be human, and it does in the story too. Thanks, Kz!
I don't think it's going to edge out Monopoly, but it was a fun read. However, I'm definitely neither buxom or a goddess, so what do I know? :-)
Ha! Sounds like a great game!
If I can be a Buxom Goddess in this game, so can you, Janet!
It is, if your name is Xontar.
Fun read, Perry. Like the life size game of chess, but more exciting. I don't think that one has any Buxom Goddesses.
Just like my life! Thanks for writing, Amy.
Dear Perry,
Why do I find myself longing for the good old days of Pong. Remember when that was cutting edge? Or how about a good ole game of Parcheesi? There I go showing my longevity again.
Fun story. Well played.
And remember the good old days of "Pin the Mustache on Glover Cleveland?" Yes, I'm really talking longevity here!
Oh this was fun.. poor humankind
Poor Fred and Blanche anyway. You and I are with the Buxom Goddesses!
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