Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Behind Barbed Wire (FF)

FF- Friday Fictioneers
copyright - Madison Woods

"If only I could tear it down and free myself!" shouted Anatole.

"You've got to get a hold of yourself," Francois shot back. "Accept what is!"

"I'll never accept it!  I am tormented by this barbed wire fence all around us!"

“I knew things would eventually come to this, Anatole. The way you’re always questioning, always doubting, always mouthing off.”  

“How do you stand it, Francois?"   

“I accept things as is.”

Anatole and Francois packed up their gear and climbed into the Francois and Anatole’s Fence Company truck.

"Look, Anatole, it's a good fence and the customer was satisfied," said Francois. "You've got to stop being such a perfectionist!" 


Well, did I fool ya into thinking these guys were some kind of political prisoners in the old Soviet Union, some third world country, or Texas?  No?  You were onto me all the time?  Well, serves me right for not being a perfectionist!

If you want to check out the work of the other Friday Fictioneers relative to the picture prompt above, please click here.  Every one is a perfectionist in his or her own way but always in a good way.

As for Anatole, he is imprisoned not by a fence but by his own mind. And that may be the worst imprisonment of all.


Mandy said...

That was unexpected good job.

Perry Block said...

Thank you. Want to put up a fence?

plaridel said...

what a wonderful twist. i got hooked, line, and sinker. :)

Sandra Crook said...

A real twister there, Perry. Well done.

P.S. Joshi said...

I suspected it would be funny as your stories are, but that was a great twist at the end. In real life being a perfectionist isn't funny. I had a college professor who had a nervous breakdown. She just drove herself over the edge. Well done, Perry. :) --- Suzanne

Perry Block said...

Yeah, I'm about to reel you in. Do you prefer being cooked in butter sauce or straight up?

Perry Block said...

Thanks, Sandra. Happy to fence you in!

Perry Block said...

I agree. I have a perfectionist's nature coupled with a lazy disposition, so I can never be satisfied because I don't work hard enough to be satisfied. Well, maybe I'll beat it in the next life.

brudberg said...

Acceptance is the best defence :-)

Unknown said...

I can't tell you how many crooked sutures I removed in my surgical career. I'm a perfectionist so I understand.
I like it.

Perry Block said...

Acceptance is the best defense from the fence. Yep!

Perry Block said...

Shouldn't all doctors be perfectionists? Or at least the ones that work on me?

Gah Learner said...

For a moment there I thought they had built the fence around their truck. :)

Dawn said...

I work with a guy like that. Lol

Dale said...

Perfectionism is a curse at times... Good twist, Perry!

Russell said...

That's why it takes me so long to write a story. I type a sentence, then tear it apart and reconstruct it over and over. I did the same thing with Lincoln logs. By the time I got the cabin built he'd been assassinated and three more presidents had came and gone.

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