"This is some climb, isn't it? Enjoying it, Fred?"
"Sure am, Art! But I'm wondering...."
"I know: you're wondering if the view at the top is going to be as spectacular as I promised. I assure you you're going to be blown away!"
"Yeah, that's ... that's great. But Art, I've also kind of been thinking ..."
"How long it will take to get to the top? No time at all now."
"Oh, good. But I've also been wondering once we get to top ..."
"If the spotty maintenance on this rollercoaster might pose a bit of a problem on the drops."
Personally I'm not a fan of rollercoasters because I become nauseous at theme parks in the gift shop. Still and all, I'd like to think that somebody would tend to the maintenance of the Dragon Crusher above before it is officially classified as a arboretum.
This is my weekly contribution to the Friday Fictioneers based on the photo prompt above, and you'll have a wild but safe ride checking out the the other Fictioneers' offerings by clicking here.
Okay, over the top, here we go!!! At least all the grass might make for a safe landing.
Maybe retracing their steps downward instead is good solution. I think spotty maintain maintenance would keep me of a rollercoastef too.
Spotty maintenance - such an evocative phrase. :) Have a lovely holiday Perry.
Dragon Crusher, indeed.
It's either an early model Stair Master from the middle renaissance period, or
the first escalator built for the Maid Marion Mall in the Sherwood Hills development after Robin hood used his wealth in the English land boom.
Funny story, as usual.. Randy
I thought those "stairs" had a mechanical feel about them too! One can almost hear the gears grinding behind that wall. I am a coaster fan and Dragon Crusher sounds like one I'd not like to mess with, especially with spotty maintenance. Well done!
I likey ! In fact was thinking about couple of more stories after I read yours :)
Oops! Too late now. I hope it's a safe ride. I can see how you got a roller coaster out of this. Very unique take, Perry. Happy holidays to you!
Get out yhe grease gun! Pass the sick bag. Clever take!
Dear Perry,
The worst part of a roller coaster is that first climb to the top. I used to enjoy roller coasters until I road the one at Coney Island. That cured me of them forever. I'm glad my son could still breathe when it was all over since I tried to strangle him during that first drop. Oy, what a ride.
Unique take on the prompt.
I think just about anything would keep me off a rollercoaster, bad maintenance or not. Thanks,Bjorn.
You too, Sandra. And thanks!
Very funny comment too. Happy Holidays, Randy!
Oh,come on, give it a try! Thanks for commenting.
Great! But don't forget my commision ...
Happy Holidays to you too, Amy!
Going to take more than a sick bag to get through this experience, I think. Thanks, Patrick.
What? You didn't try to strangle him when he first suggested the ride? Happy Holidays, Rochelle!
Art should have listened to his instincts and stayed on the ground! Thanks for the reliable bit of humour :)
I like the twist at the end. I was imaging the conversations my husband and I have on our way up Mount Baker - me the whiner - asking, "Are we there, yet?" and then you threw in a roller coaster. Happy New Year, Perry.
I thought it would be fun. Little did I know...I'm sure I left my stomach at the top of that rickety wooden structure. You're right, Perry. I should've strangled him first. LOL
A roller coaster! What an imaginative take. The dialogue's very good - Fred's not really a good listener, is he?
Dear Perry,
Please be careful. Your tendency to be nauseous must be quite a drawback when you're in the company of others. Do you carry airsick bags to hand out to those unfortunate enough to be in your presence?
Great story, as usual.
Perry, One glance at a roller coaster that looked like that and I'd be off to the merry-go-round. That's got the be the poorest maintenance job I've ever seen. Hilarious and well written as usual. : ) --- Suzanne
Happy Holidays! : ) --- Suzanne
Oh,I absolutely see the track of the coaster now! It does look a little in-maintained. :/
Dear Mr. Whiner,
We at Diversified Maintenance (United Rollercoaster Workers Union #349) take umbrage at your remark "spotty maintenance." I assure you the Dragon Crusher gets regular service every decade per our agreement with Wally World. We are so confident of the safety of this ride that Victoria Gotti herself has offered to cover the cost of medical and/or funeral expenses should anything happen to you during your stay at our amusement park. Please remain seated until the cars come to a complete stop.
Thank you,
Carmine Persico
Thank you. Too bad I didn't listen either. Here we GOOO!!!!
I'm not familiar with Mount Baker, Alicia, but from your description I'd rather not join you and your husband on your next trek up. But thanks for asking!
Thanks! Actually Art's the lousy listener and I see I got the names mixed up in the piece, which I just corrected now. So you get an assist!
I think airsick bags would be great idea since most people do get nauseous in my presence including me. Which makes it difficult for me to eat whenever I'm around. Maybe I'll send some to all the Friday Fictioneers too. Thanks, Doug!
Thanks, Susan. Of course I'd be off to the Merry-go-round right from the start unless that looked too nauseau- inducing itself, low maintenance or high maintenance notwithstanding. I can't even read in a moving car.
Same to you, Susan!
When somebody asked me if I wanted to have a cool experience on grass, I had no idea....
Looks like I'm going to be sleeping with the dragons tonight.
The spotty maintenance is just to make the ride more exciting. :) I like roller coasters, especially the wooden ones that shake and make you think you're going to die every time you go on them. Hope your Christmas was equally exciting, Perry.
Maybe not that exciting but at least I'm still here and not sailing over the horizon! Thanks, David.
While I always dread the ride up, I admittedly have a great time on the ride down! That said, my kids have to work very hard to get me on a roller coaster these days! This past summer, in Copenhagen, I did ride a very dizzying one... twice.
Happy New Year, Perry! I sincerely look forward to another year of your wonderful humor.
LOL, amusing stuff, Perry, and the characters are spot on even in this snippet! Have a happy new year and looking forward to more of your stories.
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