Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Don't Bug Me! (FF)

As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed into a gigantic insect.

“Well, this isn’t going to do much to add to my popularity,” Gregor thought. He hoisted himself on his painfully thin spindly legs and wobbled out toward his family.

“Boy, I’m not very coordinated,” he thought. “I used to be able to fairly well fly through the air.”

“Gregor!” screamed his mother,”you’re a bug!”

“Tell me what I don’t know,” replied Gregor.

“We’ll have to get you to a specialist,” said Gregor’s father. “Maybe they can turn you back into bacteria like all the rest of us.”


Poor Gregor’s plight is nothing to sneeze at. Turning a bug back into bacteria has got to be almost as difficult as being an executive at Sony Pictures these days.

My story based on the picture prompt above is just one of many such stories authored by the Friday Fictioneers which you can access by clicking here. I know you'll enjoy them.  

Now don't bug me!


Anonymous said...

Well, if you're a bug wanting to turn back into bacteria, then the doctor isn't flu with you.
Just be careful that you don't go viral.


Anonymous said...

Nice spin on Kafka - what if the metamorphosis wasn't a backwards step?

Perry Block said...

I don't think there's much chance I'll ever go viral unless it's within the original definition of the word, courtesy of Gregor. Thanks, Randy

Perry Block said...

Yeah, that was the idea. I guess everybody prefers their own species, even if they're a germ.

Sandra Crook said...

Isn't that parents for you? Let him explore his new entomology ... he's probably been wanting to come out for a long time. Very kafka-esque.

Douglas MacIlroy said...

Dear Perry,

Franz is rolling over in his grave and Gregor Samsa is getting his fifteen minutes this week. Nice take on the prompt.



Rochelle Wisoff-Fields said...

Dear Perry,

For some reason your story bugs me. Some days are like that.

Chappy Chanukah,


Dawn said...

Haha Perry, this is one of your best!

Russell said...

I hate when that happens. Believe it or not, I used to be popular. Then I took up writing and people ran the other way like humor could kill.

You're right about our chances of going viral. Odds of winning the lottery are far better.

Perry Block said...

Yes, but I understand there's more to it than that. Gregor is bi-life form; he loves bugs and bacteria. As long as I don't have to watch, more power to him.

Perry Block said...

I think he's going to get several hours, thanks to you. Too bad he'll be enjoying most of them flying up people's sinuses. Thanks, Doug!

Perry Block said...

At least it didn't give you the flu!

Perry Block said...

Thanks, Dawn. Franz Kafka, eat your heart out!

Anonymous said...

How do you do it.? You created another humorous story, this time out of a simple buggy photo. Love reading your post every week, although I don't always leave a message. My hat is off to a very gifted writer.

brudberg said...

Ha.. I knew it.. I would not be tho only one to identify Gregor in the picture.. I like your reversal of the tale...

Anonymous said...

What would be worse...bug or bacteria?! Take your pick. A Butterfly would be ok. Great take on the Kafka story. Funny story.

margirene said...

I remember when my kids metamorphosed overnight and started to bug the heck out of me. I think they were about 13. Thankfully they both changed back into human beings again a few years later.Fun story.

Dawn Q. said...

Oh the crazy places your imagination goes, Perry! Your stories always amuse and entertain me with your creativity.

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields said...

You didn't need to, Perry. I had the flu week before last. Not fun.

liz young said...

Your side-jumps are even more far-fetched than mine! Well done again.

Perry Block said...

Way better odds and I don't even play the lottery. I don't know if humor can kill, but in our hands it can certainly die!

Perry Block said...

Thank you so much, Mike. But put your hat back on, it's December here!

Perry Block said...

Yes, you and I were both buggy this week, Bjorn! Thanks.

Perry Block said...

Thanks, Amy. Except for the fact that they only live about 15 minutes, I'd go for the butterfly too. I'm banking on at least another couple of hours,

Perry Block said...

Sure wish mine would change back already. Thanks!

Perry Block said...

Thank you, Dawn! I appreciate the comment.

Perry Block said...

Next time, let's side-jump together!

Anonymous said...

Dear Perry - Bug or Bacteria? Go figure which one is the nastiest unless someone has some penicillin, then I choose bug. Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays! Nan :)

Perry Block said...

Death by Penicillin --- sounds like a cool movie title. Thanks, Nan, and happy holidays!