Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Mirror Sprite

Janet Webb copyright

Every mirror, it seems, is inhabited by a tiny sprite who operates the mirror.  Without the mirror sprite, there's no image to behold, only vacant glass.

Each mirror is a little different from all the others.  Some make you look thinner and some heavier.  Some show objects with a reddish caste, others show more blue, and still others favor shadows.  

It's all at the behest of the mirror sprite who resides within.

I got me a second-hand mirror at an antiques store in Philadelphia. It reflected the image of my bathroom, all pinks and flowers and lace and happiness.

I live over a garage in the seediest part of town.  I thanked the mirror sprite for my new room, though I've never seen him, and never will.


Went a little serious for some reason this week in my Friday Fictioneers entry, probably because my humor writing has been about as funny of late as a colonoscopy performed by a deranged proctologist.  Hope I haven't freaked anybody out with this.  

You can go to the mirror, boy, to see what the other Fictioneers have done with the prompt by clicking right here.

Meanwhile I'm still looking for that mirror sprite.  Frankly I really don't like pink all that much!


Anonymous said...

Not a bad idea to go serious. Let it out! Fine work, too, Perry!

Anonymous said...

Now that is an interesting concept...I enjoyed reading ....and no, you didn`t freak me out, Oliana

Sandra Crook said...

I really liked this Perry, not just the way you've presented it, but the concept of a mirror sprite is something I found really alluring. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Perry, I thought that was funny.
I didn't know that mirrors had sprights in them.
I laughed when i read that.
I didn't laugh at the deranged proctologist line, though.
Although I do tell my proctologist that he's getting too close for comfort.
Feel better. be silly. Have some fun.
Just don't bend over.


Anonymous said...

It's nice to see this side of you. It suits you well.

P.S. Joshi said...

Perry, I've often wondered why the image of me in the mirror is so different than the image of me in my mind. Now I know the problem. I don't know what I did to make that sprite so angry, but I'll try to think of something to calm it down. Perhaps it's an Indian sprite and doesn't like foreigners. Perhaps I should eat some Indian food in front of the mirror to show it I appreciate Indian things. It seems not to be willing to discuss the matter. I get along fine with my relatives here, but not that sprite. : ) ---Susan

liz young said...

Can I get a mirror sprite who will paint out my wrinkles and spare tyre?

Perry Block said...

Thank you. It's about time I was recognized as the serious artiste I am. Also I'm hoping it will get me chicks.

S.K. Dubois said...

Well, that explains some odd things I've been seeing in my mirror lately--or the past 10 or 15 years actually. Serious is good sometimes--though I am concerned about the whereabouts of that deranged proctologist.

Perry Block said...

Thanks, Oliana, but damn! I had a hidden agenda to freak you out. I have failed!

Perry Block said...

But they are real, Sandra. Just ask your nearest mirror.

Perry Block said...

Glad you liked,Randy. My deranged proctologist was so pleased he's coming over to see you. Doesn't matter when you bend over or not. He's already too close for comfort!

Perry Block said...

Both of my sides thank you, though this one a bit more morosely.

Perry Block said...

Same thing here, Susan. I'm sure my sprite hates me because he makes me look like a 64 year old instead of the 35 year old I am. I may sue him, or at least get another mirror.

Perry Block said...

They're very hard to find and very expensive. And they have to possess no professional ethics whatsoever. Let you know if I find one.

Perry Block said...

He's right behind you!!!!!!

Russell said...

Where can I get me one of those sprites who makes me look thinner AND younger? I'd even settle for looking middle aged if he could take 30 lbs. off.

Dawn said...

Wow Perry. You amaze me.

Anonymous said...

Now I have to get in and out of the shower fully clothed! Thanks a lot!

janet said...

Perry, this mirror did come from an antique store but you must have gotten the one with a malevolent sprite. Mine shows me young images. Enjoyed your imaginative story even though it was rather upbeat (even if not lovey-dovey)! -)


Rochelle Wisoff-Fields said...

Dear Perry,

There's a nice sweetness and poignancy to this piece. Almost poetic and gently humorous.



Perry Block said...

I have that very sprite working for me, Russell. He had a heart attack recently and is looking for an easier job. Sorry, I don't think you qualify.

Perry Block said...

The mirror sprite made me do it!

Perry Block said...

I always do that anyway!

Anonymous said...

An interesting take, Perry. And everyone deserves a chance to live in a "different" world once in a while.

Alicia said...

I love the idea of mirror sprites, partly because the word itself is so fun. Wondered about the "all pink....." line then read you weren't so very fond of pink phew! Very fun story.

Anonymous said...

Very cool, Perry. Love it. It's all about perspective, right? Happy Birthday, Perry! I hope it's fab and everything you want it to be. Best wishes!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Perry,
I think this is a great story so I need to be on the lookout for a mirror sprite. Cool idea and I love the concept! Brilliant!
Nan :)

brudberg said...

This is great, you should go serious more often

Dawn Q. said...

Very interesting take on this week Perry. I like your serious side!

Perry Block said...

I think I did get one with a malevolent sprite. Mine shows me images of someone who's, believe it or not, 64!

Perry Block said...

Thanks, Rochelle, I thought that too. Look for great art from me from now on!

Perry Block said...

Thanks, Sandra. Even if the other world is only in a mirror.

Perry Block said...

That's right, Alecia, I usually only wear pink two or three times a week. Actually I guess the color is more like peach, but I saw pink.

Perry Block said...

They got scads of 'em at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.

Perry Block said...

I think it's all about paying off the mirror sprite if you can figure out how to do it.

Perry Block said...

Well, I wouldn't say it's a great story, but it's certainly a very, very good story. Well, maybe it's kind of great, but not fully ... oh, it's fabulous, I admit it!!!

Perry Block said...

Thanks, Bjorn. Next week I'm going to include a discussion of monetary policy.

Perry Block said...

Thanks, Dawn. I'm going to keep my serious side up and hide my side that get's blue. Wait, that can't be right!