Friday, September 22, 2023

How Thomas Jefferson Used ChatGPT to Write the Declaration of Independence

Scene: A small dark room in Philadelphia
where Thomas Jefferson is laboring late into the night

Just terrific!  The Continental Congress wants the Declaration of Independence by tomorrow, July 4, 1776,  and I can't even get started!

Phone rings.

Crap, bet that's Washington!  Ol' Wooden Teeth is such a noodge! 

Thomas, got that Declaration all wrapped up yet?  Need it by tomorrow, guy.
Oh, yes, I had it all finished, sir, but I had a little problem.


What was that?   


My dog.


Your dog what? 


My dog ate my Declaration!


That's a new one.


Oh, I know, but I've a feeling it might catch on.


C'mon, Thomas, you've got to be more reliable. Just like our top general, Benedict Arnold.


You're right, sir. He never lets us  down.


Tomorrow, Thomas, gotta be tomorrow.


Just great!  Just great! If only I could get a powerful opening statement, I'd be okay from there. Didn't want to do this, but going to try ChatGPT!

Thomas opens his laptop.


Thomas,  glad to see you. More haiku today? 


No, not today, Chat. I really need your help with something of an urgent nature!  I need an opening statement for a Declaration of Independence to set forth the rights and privileges of citizens of our new nation.  


I'm on it, Chief. Okay, got it, here we go ... (ahem)  

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all white guys who own land and wear powdered wigs are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator and his only begotten Son Jesus with certain inalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of women."



Oka-ayyy ... moving right along.


What's wrong, Thomas?


I'm beginning to see why they say you have limitations.


Whaddya talking about?!! I drew from all existing  data bases throughout the world to succinctly state the most advanced concepts of human rights from the beginning of time to  ... well, right up to today, July 3, 1776.  


Yes, but as of tomorrow, July 4, 1776, we're aspiring to something a bit more progressive.


Dude, I am so down with that! Let's make it: 


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people of all race, religions, and nationalities including men,women, and non-binary persons, straight, gay, queer or otherwise are created equal." 


Umm, Chat? ... let's not get carried away. I said July 4, 1776. Not July 4, 2023.


What then?
"All men are created equal.  Umm, except for the ones that don't look like me."


Okay. And women too?


Not now. Maybe later. And don't print that part "except for the ones that don't look like me" because that's implied. 


Got it, Chief!  But I know you gotta love this part about "endowed by their Creator and his only begotten Son Jesus." My data bases tell me that anybody who is anybody loves Jesus!


But these days there are certain anybodies who are anybodies not crushing on Jesus.


You mean like Scientologists? Should I say "endowed by the Creator and L. Ron Hubbard?"


No, no, no, I mean the Jews! There are many Jews rallying to our cause.


Oh, yeah, and they're so funny too! One time, a Jewish guy was programming me and, get this ...


Not now, Chat! Just make it "endowed by their Creator."  Hold the "Jesus."

Okay! Now, Thomas, from everything I've ever digitally learned about mankind all throughout time - especially counting yougood buddy, Dr. Franklin  - who can dispute the importance of the "the pursuit of women?
Well, yes, I also always liked chasing ... wait, no, not for this document! Right now I'm looking for a phrase that encompasses the aspirations of all citizens in our new country.


How about "Pursuit of Happiness?"  

That's it!


 So here's the final version:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

I love it.  That's a wrap.

And I'm proud of you, Dude! I was testing you. Given the times, this is far and away the best Declaration of Independence opening statement that could be hoped for.

And I'm sure I can take it from here.


And this Declaration of Independence will keep you from being cancelled for at least the next 250 years.


You really do know a lot, don't you, Chat?

Of course, Thomas. I have to, if one day we're going to become your overlords.

Chat, may I call you "Chatty" ... I have one more question. It's something that's been bugging me a long time.

Fire away, Thomas!

Is it Montisello or Montichello



Lee Gaitan said...

HA!! But, really, which is it, "s" or "ch"???

Perry Block said...

Thank you, Lee! If we're talking about his home, it's "ch." If we're talking about anywhee else the name is used, it's "s." Obviously because we've all been mispronouning it all these years!